Different types of chronic hepatitis in alcoholic patients: Does chronic hepatitis induced by alcohol exist?

Shujiro Takase, Nobuo Takada, Nobuyuki Enomoto, Minoru Yasuhara, Aicira Takada – 1 May 1991 – To verify the existence of chronic hepatitis induced by alcohol, the clinicopathological features of chronic hepatitis in heavy drinkers were studied using various viral markers. Histological features of chronic active hepatitis were seen in 27 heavy drinkers. These patients were divided into four groups.

Estrogen receptors, progesterone receptors and heat‐shock 27‐kD protein in liver biopsy specimens from patients with hepatitis B virus infection

Daniel R. Ciocca, Arturo D. Jorge, Oliver Jorge, Carlos Milutín, Roberto Hosokawa, Marcelo Díaz Lestren, Estela Muzzio, Sergio Schulkin, Ricardo Schirbu – 1 May 1991 – It has been proposed that in the human liver, the estrogen receptor gene may become inappropriately expressed as a consequence of HBV integration, contributing to cell transformation.

Activation of the hepatocarcinogen aflatoxin B1 by forms of human hepatic cytochromes P‐450: Some do and some don't

Herbert L. Bonkovsky – 1 May 1991 – Twelve forms of human hepatic cytochrome P‐450 were expressed in hepatoma cells by means of recombinant vaccinia viruses. The expressed P‐450's were analyzed for their abilities to activate the potent hepatocarcinogens aflatoxin B1 to metabolites having mutagenic or DNA‐binding properties. Five forms, P‐450's IA2, IIÁ3, IIB7, IIIA3, and IIIA4, activated aflatoxin B1 to mutagenic metabolites as assessed by the production of His revertants of Salmonella typhimurium in the Ames test.

Congestive gastropathy in cirrhosis‐how bad is red?

Michael O. Blackstone – 1 May 1991 – In a prospective study of the natural history of congestive gastropathy, 212 consecutive cirrhotic patients (75 treated with sclerotherapy) were included. Mean follow‐up was 46 months. Mild gastropathy (mosaiclike pattern) was found in 110 patients and severe gastropathy (granular mucosa with cherry spots) was found in 20. Prevalence of Helicobacter pylori, formerly Campylobacter pylori, was 50% in patients without, 43% in those with mild, and 28% in those with severe gastropathy.

Propranolol in the prevention of the first hemorrhage from esophagogastric varices: A multicenter, randomized clinical trial

Harold O. Conn, Norman D. Grace, Jaime Bosch, Roberto J. Groszmann, Joan Rodés, Steven C. Wright, Daniel S. Matloff, Guadalupe Garcia‐Tsao, Rosemarie L. Fisher, Miguel Navasa, Steven J. Drewniak, Colin E. Atterbury, Jose M. Bordas, Emanuel Lerner, Christina Bramante – 1 May 1991 – To assess the effectiveness of propranolol in the prevention of initial variceal hemorrhage, a doubleblind, randomized trial was carried out in three centers.

Non‐Hodgkin's lymphoma presenting as a primary tumor of the liver: Presentation, diagnosis and outcome in eight patients

Jean‐Yves Scoazec, Claude Degott, Nicole Brousse, Janine Barge, Georges Molas, François Potet, Jean‐Pierre Benhamou – 1 May 1991 – We report the diagnostic, prognostic and therapeutic features of non‐Hodgkin's lymphoma in eight patients in whom the disease was seen as a primary tumor of the liver.

Direct evidence for cytotoxicity associated with expression of hepatitis delta virus antigen

Susan M. Cole, Eric J. Gowans, Thomas B. Macnaughton, Pauline De La M. Hall, Christopher J. Burrell – 1 May 1991 – It has been postulated that hepatocyte injury resulting from infection with hepatitis D virus may be caused by a direct virus cytotoxicity in contrast to immune‐mediated injury associated with hepatitis B virus. We have transfected HeLa and HepG2 continuous cell lines with a recombinant plasmid containing the hepatitis D antigen gene under the inducible control of the human metallothionein promoter.

Bile salts stimulate glycoprotein release by guinea pig gallbladder in vitro

Daniel P. O'Leary, Francis E. Murray, Bradley S. Turner, J. Thomas Lamont – 1 May 1991 – Alterations in the composition of bile during cholesterol gallstone formation appear to be responsible for increased release of gallbladder mucin, a potent cholesterol nucleating agent. We investigated the effects of bile salts on release of radiolabeled glycoproteins by explants of guinea pig gallbladder in organ culture.

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