Circulating tumor necrosis factor, interleukin‐1 and interleukin‐6 concentrations in chronic alcoholic patients

Alexander Khoruts, Laura Stahnke, Craig J. McClain, George Logan, John I. Allen – 1 February 1991 – Although altered cytokine homeostasis has been implicated in the pathogenesis of alcoholic liver disease, the relationship between cytokines and metabolic consequences of alcoholic liver disease is unknown. We, therefore, sought to correlate circulating concentrations of tumor necrosis factor‐α, interleukin‐1 and interleukin‐6 to clinical and biochemical parameters of liver disease in chronic alcoholic patients.

Functional hepatocyte heterogeneity in glutamate, aspartate and α‐ketoglutarate uptake: A histoautoradiographical study

Barbara Stoll, Sabine McNelly, Hans‐Peter Buscher, Dieter Häussinger – 1 February 1991 – [3H]glutamate, [3H]α‐ketoglutarate or [3H]aspartate was injected in physiological concentrations into antegrade (from portal to hepatic vein) or retrograde (from hepatic to portal vein) perfused rat liver, and the tissue distribution of radioactivity was studied by histoautoradiography.

Epidemiological studies with anti‐hepatitis C virus

Joseph R. Bove – 1 February 1991 – In a survey carried out from 1985 through 1986, volunteer blood donors to The Greater New York Blood Program were tested for two surrogate markers for non‐A, non‐B hepatitis–elevation of alanine aminotransferase level and presence of antibody to hepatitis B core antigen. Stored serum samples from selected donors were also recently tested for antibody to hepatitis C virus (anti‐HCV). Anti‐HCV was detected in 0.9% to 1.4% of donors and was higher in black and Hispanic donors than in white donors.

High doses of recombinant α‐interferon or γ‐interferon for chronic hepatitis C: A randomized, controlled trial

Federico Sáez‐royuela, Juan Carlos Porres, Alberto Moreno, Inmaculada Castillo, Gracia Martinez, Fernando Galiana, Vicente Carreño – 1 February 1991 – Chronic hepatitis C is often a progressive liver disease for which there is no satisfactory treatment. We studied the efficacy of recombinant α‐interferon or γ‐interferon in the treatment of this disease in comparison with a control group. Thirty patients were randomly assigned to three groups. Ten patients received 7.5 MU α‐interferon/m2 body surface three times weekly for 3 mo, then 5 MU/m2 for 3 mo and 2.5 MU/m2 for 6 mo.

Zonal differences in ethanol‐induced impairments in receptor‐mediated endocytosis of asialoglycoproteins in isolated rat hepatocytes

Carol A. Casey, Sandra L. Kragskow, Michael F. Sorrell, Dean J. Tuma – 1 February 1991 – We have shown previously that ethanol‐induced defects in receptor‐mediated endocytosis of asialoorosomucoid occurred as early as 1 wk after ethanol feeding. This study was undertaken as an initial attempt to establish a possible role of defective receptormediated endocytosis in liver injury by investigating whether differences exist in the effects of ethanol on receptor‐mediated endocytosis in hepatocytes isolated from different regions of the liver.

The cloning of cholesterol 7 α‐hydroxylase: Will molecular techniques help us understand the physiology of bile acid synthesis?

Lyman E. Bilhartz – 1 February 1991 – The rate‐limiting step in bile acid biosynthesis is catalyzed by the microsomal cytochrome P‐450 cholesterol 7 α‐hydroxylase. The expression of this enzyme is subject to feedback regulation by sterols and is thought to be coordinately regulated with enzymes in the cholesterol supply pathways, including the low‐density lipoprotein receptor and 3‐hydroxy‐3‐methylglutarylcoenzyme A reductase and synthase. Here we report the purification of rat microsomal P‐450 cholesterol 7 α‐hydroxylase and the determination of a partial amino acid sequence.

DNA integration sites and hepatocellular carcinoma

Jorge J. Gumucio, Daryl Daugherty, Daryl Daugherty – 1 February 1991 – This study is part of an ongoing analysis of woodchuck hepatitis virus integration sites in the host genome of hepatocellular carcinomas. The study of woodchuck hepatitis virus‐DNA integration sites may shed light on the oncogenic mechanisms involved in cellular transformation and tumor formation. Viral integration enhancing cellular proto‐oncogene expression is one such mechanism and has been well documented for oncogenic retroviruses such as mouse mammary tumor virus and interleukin‐1.

Carbon tetrachloride—induced alterations of hepatic calmodulin and free calcium levels in rats pretreated with chlordecone

Prasada Rao S. Kodavanti, Urmila P. Kodavanti, Harihara M. Mehendale – 1 February 1991 – Calmodulin, a low molecular weight Ca2 + binding protein, regulates a large number of cell activities including cell division. Previous studies from our laboratory indicated excessive accumulation of Ca2 + in hepatocytes succeeded by rapid glycogen breakdown and suppressed cell division in rats receiving CCl4 after previous dietary exposure to 10 ppm chlordecone.

Ultrastructural studies of hepatocyte cytoskeletons of phalloidin‐treated rats by quick‐freezing and deep‐etching method

Atsuhiko Naramoto, Shinichi Ohno, Kiyoshi Furuta, Nobuo Itoh, Koh Nakazawa, Masayuki Nakano, Hidekazu Shigematsu – 1 February 1991 – We observed hepatocyte cytoskeletons in phalloidintreated rats by the quick‐freezing and deep‐etching method in three dimensions and compared them with the ultrastructural findings on conventional ultrathin sections. The numbers of microvilli in dilated bile canaliculi were decreased in the rats treated with phalloidin for 1 wk.

Regulation of insulin‐like growth factor II Gene expression by hepatitis B virus in hepatocellular carcinoma

CAROLYN N. d'arville, Kayhan T. Nouri‐Aria, Philip Johnson, Roger Williams – 1 February 1991 – In this study we investigated the regulation of insulin‐like growth factor II gene expression to explain a role for this growth factor in concert with hepatitis B virus involvement in the development of hepatocellular carcinoma from cirrhosis.

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