Endotoxin and the hyperdynamic circulation of portal vein—ligated rats

Rajeev Mehta, Jeanne Gottstein, W. Patrick Zeller, Robert Lichtenberg, Andres T. Blei – 1 November 1990 – Humoral factors may be responsible for the hyperdynamic circulation seen in portal hypertension. Endotoxin, a peripheral arteriolar vasodilator, has been proposed to mediate this hemodynamic picture. We examined the pathogenic role of endotoxin in portal vein—ligated rats, a prehepatic portal hypertensive model with a well‐developed hyperdynamic circulation.

Calcium absorption in bone disease associated with chronic cholestasis during childhood

John C. Bucuvalas, James E. Heubi, Bonny L. Specker, Deborah J. Gregg, Alfred L. Yergey, Nancy E. Vieira – 1 November 1990 – Fractional absorption of calcium was determined in 9 children aged 4.9 to 16.9 yr with chronic cholestatic liver disease to determine the role of calcium malabsorption in the development of metabolic bone disease. Radiological evidence of rickets was absent in all patients, but bone density, measured by single beam photon absorptiometry of the distal radius, was reduced in eight of nine subjects.

Metabolic actions of insulin‐like growth factor‐I in cultured hepatocytes from adult rats

Heinz Hartmann, Frank Schmitz, Bruno Christ, Kurt Jungermann, Werner Creutzfeldt – 1 November 1990 – Short‐term and long‐term regulation of hepatic carbohydrate metabolism by insulinlike growth factor‐I was studied in primary cultures of adult rat hepatocytes and compared with the metabolic potency of insulin. Insulinlike growth factor‐I stimulated the formation of [14C]lactate from [14C]glucose up to three‐fold with a half‐maximally effective concentration of ∼50 nmol/L.

Chronic ethanol administration impairs receptor‐mediated endocytosis of epidermal growth factor by rat hepatocytes

Douglas D. Dalke, Michael F. Sorrell, Carol A. Casey, Dean J. Tuma – 1 November 1990 – The effects of chronic ethanol administration on the receptor‐mediated endocytosis of epidermal growth factor were studied in isolated rat hepatocytes. In initial experiments, it was demonstrated that significantly less ligand was bound by hepatocytes isolated from rats fed an ethanol liquid diet for 5 to 7 wk than by cells isolated from chow‐fed or pair‐fed controls. Reduced binding was shown to be primarily caused by a decreased number of surface receptors rather than by changes in receptor affinity.

Hepatic injury induced by bile salts: Correlation between biochemical and morphological events

Douglas L. Schmucker, Minoru Ohta, Setsuko Kanai, Yuko Sato, Kenichi Kitani – 1 November 1990 – Continuous intravenous infusion of taurochenodeoxycholate at a rate of 0.4 μmol · min−1 · 100 gm−1 for only 30 min in rats caused threefold to tenfold greater release of proteins (alkaline phosphatase, lactate dehydrogenase and albumin) into bile in comparison with animals infused with tauroursodeoxycholate at much higher rates (1.8 μmol · min−1 · 100 gm−1) for 2 hr.

Alcohol content of various beverages: All booze is created equal

Harold O. Conn – 1 November 1990 – After consuming comparable amounts of ethanol, women have higher blood ethanol concentrations than men, even with allowance for differences in size, and are more susceptible to alcoholic liver disease. Recently, we documented significant “first pass metabolism” of ethanol due to its oxidation by gastric tissue. We report a study of the possible contribution of this metabolism to the sex‐related difference in blood alcohol concentrations in 20 men and 23 women. Six in each group were alcoholics.

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