Effect of duration of hepatitis B virus infection on the association between human immunodeficiency virus type‐1 and hepatitis B viral replication

Beryl A. Koblin, Patricia E. Taylor, Pablo Rubinstein, Cladd E. Stevens – 1 April 1992 – This study examined the effect of duration of hepatitis B virus infection on the association between human immunodeficiency virus type‐1 infection and hepatitis B viral replication. Twenty‐five chronic HBsAg carriers were studied.

Hyperfibrinolysis increases the risk of gastrointestinal hemorrhage in patients with advanced cirrhosis

Francesco Violi, Domenico Ferro, Stefania Basili, Claudio Quintarelli, Mirella Saliola, Cesare Alessandri, Corrado Cordova, Francesco Balsano – 1 April 1992 – Sixty‐one patients with different degrees of liver failure, 23 with Child‐Pugh class B and 38 with Child‐Pugh class C, were studied and observed for 3 yr. Coagulation index analysis showed significantly lower values of prothrombin activity, more prolonged activated partial thromboplastin time, higher bilirubin and fibrinogen degradation products values in class C patients.

Genotype analysis for ΔF508, G551D and R553X mutations in children and young adults with cystic fibrosis with and without chronic liver disease

Ann Duthie, Derek G. Doherty, Carolyn Williams, Robert Scott‐Jupp, J. O. Warner, M. Stuart Tanner, Robert Williamson, Alex P. Mowat – 1 April 1992 – Genetic factors have been implicated in the pathogenesis of liver disease in cystic fibrosis. To investigate whether liver disease is associated with particular mutations of the defective gene in cystic fibrosis, we have determined the frequencies of three mutations – ΔF508, G551D and R553X – in 111 children and young adults with cystic fibrosis by analysis of genomic DNA segments amplified by the polymerase chain reaction.

Esophageal staple transection as a salvage procedure after failure of acute injection sclerotherapy

P. Aiden McCormick, Graham L. Kaye, Lynda Greenslade, Fabrizio Cardin, Kenneth E. F. Hobbs, Neil McIntyre, Andrew K. Burroughs – 1 March 1992 – It is not clear which therapy should be used in patients with bleeding esophageal varices that are not controlled by emergency sclerotherapy. This is a high‐risk group with reported mortality rates of between 70% and 90%. We report our 7‐yr experience with staple transection of the esophagus in this patient group. Of 168 patients (280 bleeding episodes) treated with sclerotherapy, 22 had emergency staple transection for failure to control bleeding.

Acetylcysteine and fulminant hepatic failure

Patricia Sheiner, Wilfred de Majo, Gary A. Levy – 1 March 1992 – Background. When administered early after an overdose of acetaminophen, intravenous acetylcysteine prevents hepatic necrosis by replenishing reduced stores of glutathione. How acetylcysteine improves the survival of patients with established liver damage induced by acetaminophen, however, is unknown. This study was undertaken to determine whether the beneficial effect of acetylcysteine under such circumstances could be due to enhancement of oxygen delivery and consumption.

Orthotopic liver transplantation for urea cycle enzyme deficiency

Satoru Todo, Thomas E. Starzl, Andreas Tzakis, Keith J. Benkov, Frantisek Kalousek, Takeyori Saheki, Kyuichi Tanikawa, Wayne A. Fenton – 1 March 1992 – Hyperammonemia, abnormalities in plasma amino acids and abnormalities of standard liver functions were corrected by orthotopic liver transplantation in a 14‐day‐old boy with carbamyl phosphate synthetase‐I deficiency and in a 35‐yr‐old man with argininosuccinic acid synthetase deficiency. The first patient had high plasma glutamine levels and no measureable citrulline, whereas citrulline values were markedly increased in Patient 2.

Fine‐needle aspiration biopsy for the measurement of hepatic iron concentration

John Olynyk, Phillip Williams, Andrew Fudge, Steven Pulbrook, Rikki Kerr, Malcolm MacKinnon, Pauline Hall – 1 March 1992 – The potential application of fine‐needle aspiration liver biopsy in the documentation of hepatic iron overload has been assessed in iron‐loaded rats. Fineneedle aspiration and standard liver biopsy specimens were obtained from three groups of animals supplemented with oral and parenteral iron for 2 to 6 mo. The mean dry weights of standard and fine‐needle biopsy specimens were 7.41 ± 0.77 (± S.E.M.) and 0.57 ± 0.54 mg, respectively.

Hemodynamic effects of terbutaline, a β2‐adrenoceptor agonist, in conscious rats with secondary biliary cirrhosis

Jorge L. Poo, Alain Braillon, Antoine Hadengue, Christophe Gaudin, Didier Lebrec – 1 March 1992 – The hemodynamic responses to terbutaline – a selective β2‐adrenoceptor agonist – were studied in conscious normal rats and in conscious rats with secondary biliary cirrhosis. Compared with those of normal rats, dose‐response curves in cirrhotic rats indicated significantly decreased reactivity in arterial pressure and heart rate. Half‐maximal effective dose was not significantly different between the two groups.

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