Predicting postprocedure bleeding in liver disease

Robertson D. Davenport – 1 April 1992 – Prophylactic transfusions of fresh frozen plasma and platelets are sometimes given to patients with mild elevations in prothrombin time (PT) and partial thromboplastin time (PTF) and mild thrombocytopenia before percutaneous liver biopsy. To determine whether PTs and PTFs 1.1–1.5 times midrange normal levels and platelet counts 50–99 × 109/L are associated with increased bleeding complications, hospital records of all patients who underwent percutaneous liver biopsy during 56 consecutive months (n = 291) were reviewed.

Abnormal surface distribution of the human asialoglycoprotein receptor in cirrhosis

James B. Burgess, Jacques U. Baenziger, William R. Brown – 1 April 1992 – Serum concentrations of asialoglycoproteins are increased in cirrhosis. We hypothesized that this increase results from abnormalities in the asialoglycoprotein receptor, which is located on the sinusoidal and lateral membrane of hepatocytes. Therefore we searched for morphological alterations in the distribution of the asialoglycoprotein receptor in human liver, using a light microscopic immunoperoxidase method in autopsy livers.

A randomized controlled trial of lymphoblastoid interferon‐α in patients with chronic hepatitis B lacking HBeAg

Giovanna Fattovich, Patrizia Farci, Massimo Rugge, Lucio Brollo, Antonella Mandas, Patrizia Pontisso, Giuliano Giustina, M. Eliana Lai, Fabio Belussi, Graziella Busatto, Angelo Balestrieri, Arturo Ruol, Alfredo Alberti – 1 April 1992 – Ongoing hepatitis B virus replication in the presence of antibody to HBeAg can be observed in patients with active liver disease. These forms of chronic hepatitis B have been described as having a poor prognosis.

Value of urinary copper excretion after penicillamine challenge in the diagnosis of Wilson's disease

Claudia Martins Da Costa, Dianne Baldwin, Bernard Portmann, Yvette Lolin, Alex P. Mowat, Giorgina Mieli‐Vergani – 1 April 1992 – To investigate the diagnostic value of 24‐hr urinarycopper excretion testing after penicillamine challenge in the diagnosis of Wilson's disease, 75 consecutive children referred for a variety of liver problems and in whom parameters of copper metabolism had been investigated were analyzed retrospectively.

Effect of ursodeoxycholic acid on the kinetics of the major hydrophobic bile acids in health and in chronic cholestatic liver disease

Ulrich Beuers, Ulrich Spengler, Franz M. Zwiebel, Juergen Pauletzki, Sven Fischer, Gustav Paumgartner – 1 April 1992 – Beneficial effects of ursodeoxycholic acid in chronic cholestatic liver diseases have been attributed to displacement of hydrophobic bile acids from the endogenous bile acid pool.

Genetic structure and heterogeneity of hepatitis C virus: A vaccine impediment?

Daryl Daugherty – 1 April 1992 – The nucleotide sequence of the RNA genome of the human hepatitis C virus (HCV) has been determined from overlapping cDNA clones. The sequence (9379 nucleotides) has a single large open reading frame that could encode a viral polyprotein precursor of 3011 amino acids. While there is little overall amino acid and nucleotide sequence homology with other viruses, the 5′ HCV nucleotide sequence upstream of this large open reading frame has substantial similarity to the 5′ termini of pestiviral genomes.

Differential colchicine effects on the transport of membrane and secretory proteins in rat hepatocytes in vivo: Bipolar secretion of albumin

Lucian Saucan, George E. Palade – 1 April 1992 – We carried out a comparative investigation on the effects of colchicine (25 μmoles/100 gm body wt) on the intracellular transport, processing and discharge by secretion or proteolytic processing of a membrane protein (i.e., the polymeric IgA receptor) and a secretory protein (i.e., albumin) in rat hepatocytes.

Three different patterns of hepatitis C virus infection in chimpanzees

Kenji Abe, Genevieve Inchauspe, Toshio Shikata, Alfred M. Prince – 1 April 1992 – The relationship between hepatitis C virus RNA and hepatitis C virus‐associated antibodies (antibody against the putative capsid protein and C‐100 antibody) was determined by nested polymerase chain reaction and enzyme‐linked immunosorbent assay in serial serum samples obtained from eight chimpanzees experimentally infected with hepatitis C virus.

Effects of amiloride on renal lithium handling in nonazotemic ascitic cirrhotic patients with avid sodium retention

Paolo Angeli, Erica De Bei, Manuela Dalla Pria, Lorenza Caregaro, Giulio Ceolotto, Grazia Albino, Angelo Gatta – 1 April 1992 – The reliability of lithium clearance as an index of distal fluid delivery in cirrhosis with ascites and in other clinical conditions characterized by low fractional sodium excretion has not yet been proven. In particular, lithium reabsorption in the amiloridesensitive segment of the distal tubule, as evidenced in experimental studies, has not been excluded in such clinical conditions.

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