Atrial natriuretic peptide in portal vein–ligated rats: Alterations in cardiac production, plasma level and glomerular receptor density and affinity

Gavin M. Jonas, Timothy R. Morgan, Kengathevy Morgan, Inthirany Thillainadarajah, Cynthia Hornacek – 1 April 1992 – The atrial natriuretic peptide hormonal system is altered to a variable degree in patients with cirrhosis. Portal pressure and portal‐systemic shunting are also varied in cirrhosis. We used a portal vein–ligated rat model with predictable portal hypertension to study the effects of portal hypertension alone on the atrial natriuretic peptide hormonal system. Sham‐operated rats were used as controls.

Interactions between human immunodeficiency virus‐1, hepatitis delta virus and hepatitis B virus infections in 260 chronic carriers of hepatitis B virus

Chantal Housset, Stanislas Pol, Françoise Carnot, Frédéric Dubois, Bertrand Nalpas, Bruno Housset, Pierre Berthelot, Christian Brechot – 1 April 1992 – To evaluate the factors determining the severity of chronic hepatitis B virus infection and the interactions of human immunodeficiency virus and hepatitis delta virus infections, we retrospectively analyzed 260 patients, 146 of whom were followed for a mean of 31.4 ± 1.8 mo.

Evaluation of hepatitis delta virus RNA levels during interferon therapy by analysis of polymerase chain reaction products with a nonradioisotopic hybridization assay

Elisabetta Cariani, Antonella Ravaggi, Massimo Puoti, Giovanni Mantero, Alberto Albertini, Daniele Primi – 1 April 1992 – We developed a nonradioisotopic assay for detection of hepatitis delta virus RNA in serum by combining reverse transcription of RNA, polymerase chain reaction of the resultant complementary DNA and enzyme linked immunoassay detection of the polymerase chain reaction products using a monoclonal antibody specific for double‐stranded DNA.

Metabolism of ursocholic acid in humans: Conversion of ursocholic acid to deoxycholic acid

G. Stephen Tint, Ashok K. Batta, Bishambar Dayal, Nina Kovell, Sarah Shefer, Gerald Salen – 1 April 1992 – To study the metabolism of ursocholic acid, control subjects were injected with radiolabeled cholic and ursocholic acids before and after 1 wk of 900 mg/day oral ursocholic acid. Daily samples of bile were obtained, and biliary bile acids were extracted and purified to determine bile acid kinetics.

Serum procollagen peptides and collagen type VI for the assessment of activity and degree of hepatic fibrosis in schistosomiasis and alcoholic liver disease

Manal Shahin, Detlef Schuppan, Rüdiger Waldherr, Juha Risteli, Leila Risteli, Eeva‐Riitta Savolainen, Christine Oesterling, Hosna M. Abdel Rahman, Abdul M. El Sahly, Samia M. Abdel Razek, Omar El Ruby, Armin Koch, Helmut K. Seitz – 1 April 1992 – Schistosomiasis, in contrast to alcoholic liver disease, leads to presinusoidal hepatic fibrosis, which determines the prognosis of the disease.

The effects of partial hepatectomy on serum sex steroids in humans

Christopher Liddle, Michael Hollands, J. Miles Little, Geoffrey C. Farrell – 1 April 1992 – In both rats and humans, partial hepatectomy results in a substantial increase in serum estradiol concentrations. Because mammalian liver of both sexes contains estrogen receptor, it has been suggested that this surge in serum estrogen concentration may initiate or facilitate liver regeneration.

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