Treatment of hyperammonemia with carbamylglutamate in rats

Eugenio Grau, Vicente Felipo, María‐Dolores Miñana, Santiago Grisolía – 1 March 1992 – A protein‐free diet causes a paradoxical increase of blood ammonia levels that seems to be due to decreased liver content of acetylglutamate, the physiological activator of carbamylphosphate synthetase. The purpose of this study was to assess whether oral administration to rats of carbamylglutamate, a metabolically stable activator of carbamylphosphate synthetase, could decrease the blood ammonia levels increased by the protein‐free diet.

Effect of complete sulfation of bile acids on bile formation: Role of conjugation and number of sulfate groups

Ibrahim Yousef, Diane Mignault, Beatriz Tuchweber – 1 March 1992 – The effect of complete sulfation of conjugated cholic, chenodeoxycholic and deoxycholic acids on bile formation was investigated in rats. The sulfated bile acids were infused intravenously in stepwise increasing doses (1, 2, 3 and 4 μmol/min/100 gm body wt) in rats after 90 min of bile acid pool depletion. The effects of these bile acids on bile flow, bile salt, biliary phospholipid and cholesterol secretion rates were determined.

Spontaneous loss of HBsAg in children with chronic hepatitis B virus infection

Hong‐Yuan Hsu, Mei‐Hwei Chang, Chin‐Yun Lee, Juei‐San Chen, Hey‐Chi Hsu, Ding‐Shinn Chen – 1 March 1992 – Spontaneous loss of HBsAg is infrequent in adult HBV carriers. Little is known about this serological change in children. In a prospective study of 420 hepatitis B virus–carrier children who were observed for 1 to 12 yr (mean = 4.3 yr), spontaneous loss of HBsAg occurred in 10 patients, with an average incidence of 0.6%/yr.

Propranolol for portal hypertensive gastropathy: Another virtue of β‐blockade?

Santiago J. Muñoz – 1 March 1992 – The two main causes of gastrointestinal bleeding in cirrhosis are oesophageal varices and portal hypertensive gastropathy (PHG). Rebleeding from varices can be prevented by beta‐blockers, but it is not clear whether these drugs effectively reduce rebleeding from PHG. 54 cirrhotic patients with acute or chronic bleeding from severe PHG took part in a randomised, controlled trial to investigate the efficacy of propranolol in prevention of rebleeding from PHG.

Contribution of No‐reflow phenomenon to hepatic injury after ischemia‐reperfusion: Evidence for a role for superoxide anion

Anthony Koo, Hirokazu Komatsu, Gongming Tao, Masayashu Inoue, Paul H. Guth, Neil Kaplowitz – 1 March 1992 – Controversy exists as to the role of oxygen‐derived free radicals in tissue injury and the no‐reflow phenomenon in reperfusion injury after ischemia. In this study using an experimental rat model, left hepatic lobar ischemia followed by reperfusion resulted in an increase of serum glutamic pyruvic transaminase at 30 min with concomitant histological evidence of hepatocellular necrosis at 24 hr.

Mitogenic effects of hepatic stimulator substance on cultured nonparenchymal liver epithelial cells

Sanjeev Gupta, Douglas R. LaBrecque, David A. Shafritz – 1 March 1992 – We determined whether hepatic stimulator substance shares its mitogenic specificity for hepatocytes with nonparenchymal epithelial cells in the hepatocyte lineage. Cell lines designated HTC (derived from a rat hepatoma known to respond to hepatic stimulator substance) and FNRL, K‐16 and K‐22 (derived from rat liver nonparenchymal epithelial cells) were used.

Ammonia and related amino acids in the pathogenesis of brain edema in acute ischemic liver failure in rats

Margaret Swain, Roger F. Butterworth, Andres T. Blei – 1 March 1992 – The pathogenesis of brain edema in acute liver failure is poorly understood. We have previously shown that rats with ischemic acute liver failure (portacaval anastomosis followed by hepatic artery ligation) exhibit brain edema and intracranial hypertension, with swelling of cortical astrocytes as the most prominent neuropathological abnormality.

Detection of the minus strand of hepatitis C virus RNA by reverse transcription and polymerase chain reaction: Implications for hepatitis C virus replication in infected tissue

Tetsuo Takehara, Norio Hayashi, Eiji Mita, Hideki Hagiwara, Keiji Ueda, Kazuhiro Katayama, Akinori Kasahara, Hideyuki Fusamoto, Takenobu Kamada – 1 March 1992 – The combination of reverse transcription and polymerase chain reaction is a very powerful tool for the detection of hepatitis C virus RNA in sera of patients with hepatitis C virus infection. However, when studying the presence of this virus in tissue using polymerase chain reaction, it may be difficult to distinguish between blood viral particles adhering to the tissue and viral RNA contained within the tissue.

Use of designer recombinant mitochondrial antigens in the diagnosis of primary biliary cirrhosis

Patrick S. C. Leung, Takashi Iwayama, Thomas Prindiville, David T. Chuang, Aftab A. Ansari, R. Max Wynn, Rollie Dickson, Ross Coppel, M. Eric Gershwin – 1 March 1992 – The appearance of autoantibodies against mitochondria in patients with primary biliary cirrhosis has been known for more than 25 yr. In the past, based on the biochemical complexity of the mitochondrion and the use of crude extracts for immunodiagnosis, a degree of nonspecificity in assaying for antibodies to mitochondria has been present.

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