Hepatic tissue oxygenation as a predictive indicator of ischemia‐reperfusion liver injury

Moritaka Goto, Sunao Kawano, Harumasa Yoshihara, Yoshiyuki Takei, Taizo Hijioka, Hiroyuki Fukui, Takashi Matsunaga, Masahide Oshita, Toru Kashiwagi, Hideyuki Fusamoto, Takenobu Kamada, Nobuhiro Sato – 1 March 1992 – The purpose of this study was to determine whether hepatic tissue oxygenation after ischemia‐reperfusion procedures is an indicator for later liver injury. Partial ischemia in the liver was induced by ligating the left pedicles. Rats were divided into two groups according to duration of ischemia: group A (30‐min ischemia) and group B (60–min ischemia).

Immunohistochemical study of extracellular matrix in acute galactosamine hepatitis in rats

A. Mieke Jonker, Freke W. J. Dijkhuis, Adriana Boes, Machiel J. Hardonk, Joris Grond – 1 March 1992 – A single injection of D‐galactosamine hydrochloride induces acute self‐limiting liver disease in rats that morphologically resembles drug‐induced hepatitis in human beings. In this immunohistochemical study we examined the localization and expression of the hepatic extracellular matrix components fibronectin, laminin, collagen type I, collagen type III and collagen type IV and of the cell surface receptors (integrins) for fibronectin and laminin.

Ultrastructural and immunohistochemical studies of the intrahepatic peribiliary capillary plexus in normal livers and extrahepatic biliary obstruction in human beings

Naoko Kono, Yasuni Nakanuma – 1 March 1992 – Ultrastructural and immunohistochemical study was conducted on the intrahepatic peribiliary capillary plexus in normal livers and in those with extrahepatic biliary obstruction. In both conditions, capillaries positive for Ulex europaeus agglutinin I and type IV collagen were always present in the vicinity of the bile ducts. Immunoelectron microscopy showed the presence of type IV collagen on the basal lamina of these capillaries; Ulex europaeus agglutinin I was also positive on their cytoplasms.

Polyunsaturated lecithin prevents acetaldehyde‐mediated hepatic collagen accumulation by stimulating collagenase activity in cultured lipocytes

Jianjun Li, Cho‐Il Kim, Maria A. Leo, Ki M. Mak, Marcos Rojkind, Charles S. Lieber – 1 March 1992 – We recently found that polyunsaturated lecithin prevents ethanol from causing cirrhosis in the baboon. Because transformation of lipocytes to transitional cells plays a key role in hepatic fibrogenesis in vivo, and because this process in alcohol‐fed baboons was found to be attenuated by polyunsaturated lecithin, we focused on lipocytes to study the mechanism of the protective effect.

Treatment of refractory ascites: Is dialytic ultrafiltration better than paracentesis?

Salvatore Badalamenti, Francesco Salerno – 1 February 1992 – We compared the clinical efficacy and safety of large‐volume paracentesis and dialytic ultrafiltration in the treatment of refractory ascites in cirrhotic patients. A group of cirrhotic subjects (age 49–80 years) were randomly allocated to either continuous paracentesis (1–1.5 l/hour) or dialytic ultrafiltration until disappearance of ascites. Each patient was maintained on bed rest, fluid restriction (1 l/day) and a low (25 mmol/day) sodium diet for 14 days.

Seroprevalence of hepatitis C virus nucleocapsid antibodies in patients with cryptogenic chronic liver disease

Jonathan Brown, Spyros Dourakis, Peter Karayiannis, Robert Goldin, Joe Chiba, Hiroyoshi Ohba, Tatsuo Miyamura, Howard C. Thomas – 1 February 1992 – The serological responses to two different hepatitis C virus antigens were studied by enzyme‐linked immunosorbent assay in a variety of chronic liver diseases and in healthy blood donors.

Temporal relationship of peripheral vasodilatation, plasma volume expansion and the hyperdynamic circulatory state in portal‐hypertensive rats

Luis A. Colombato, Agustin Albillos, Roberto J. Groszmann – 1 February 1992 – Peripheral vasodilatation and plasma volume expansion are required to generate the hyperdynamic circulatory state observed in portal hypertension.

Changes in transcripts of basement components during rat liver development: Increase in laminin messenger RNAs in the neonatal period

Shimon Reif, Donald Sykes, Thomas Rossi, Milton M. Weiser – 1 February 1992 – The expression of laminin and type IV collagen messenger RNA in rat liver was investigated in relation to liver development. Levels of messenger RNA for laminin chains A, B1 and B2, and α1 and α2 chains of type IV collagen were studied by Northern‐blot and dot‐blot analysis. Although the expression of messenger RNAs for laminin B1 and B2 chains was higher in 19‐day gestational fetal liver when compared with the adult, the highest level was detected in 15‐day newborns.

Oral bile acid treatment and the patient with zellweger syndrome

Kenneth D. R. Setchell, Patrizia Bragetti, Linda Zimmer‐Nechemias, Cynthia Daugherty, Maria Antonietta Pelli, Renato Vaccaro, Giorgio Gentili, Eleonora Distrutti, Giuliano Dozzini, Antonio Morelli, Carlo Clerici – 1 February 1992 – The cerebrohepatorenal syndrome of Zellweger is a congenital syndrome of multiple manifestations, including hepatomegaly and liver dysfunction. Treatment is generally of a supportive nature, aimed at improving nutrition and growth, controlling the central nervous system symptoms and limiting progression of liver disease.

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