Fragmentation of bile duct stones by extracorporeal shock‐wave lithotripsy: A five‐year experience

Tilman Sauerbruch, Joseph Holl, Michael Sackmann, Gustav Paumgartner – 1 February 1992 – Over 5 yr, 103 elderly patients (mean age = 70 yr) with bile duct stones (mainly not amenable to endoscopic extraction) underwent adjuvant extracorporeal shock‐wave lithotripsy using a first‐generation kidney lithotripter. Disintegration of stones was achieved after a mean of 1.4 sessions in 92% of the patients.

Ito cell expression of a nuclear retinoic acid receptor

Francis R. Weiner, William S. Blaner, Mark J. Czaja, Anish Shah, Albert Geerts – 1 February 1992 – Although it has been suggested that retinoids regulate Ito cell proliferation and collagen synthesis, little is known about the ability of Ito cells to respond to retinoids in vivo. Because retinoids may mediate their molecular effects through nuclear receptors, Ito cells were examined for the presence of one of these receptors, nuclear retinoic acid receptor‐β. The modulation of nuclear retinoic acid receptor‐β expression was also studied during cell culture and hepatic fibrogenesis.

Influence of albumin on the net sinusoidal efflux of the organic anion dibromosulfophthalein from rat liver

Henricus M. J. Nijssen, Tjaard Pijning, Dirk K. F. Meijer, Geny M. M. Groothuis – 1 February 1992 – Besides being excreted into bile, several anionic drugs and anionic drug conjugates are excreted from liver into plasma by a carrier‐mediated process (sinusoidal efflux). In the study presented here, we investigated the influence of albumin on the net sinusoidal efflux of an organic anion from isolated perfused liver, with net sinusoidal efflux defined as the resultant of efflux and reuptake.

Vascular adhesion molecules in acute and chronic liver inflammation

Riccardo Volpes, Joost J. van den Oord, Valeer J. Desmet – 1 February 1992 – Adhesion to and penetration through the sinusoidal vascular endothelium is a mandatory step for leukocyte migration and accumulation at sites of liver inflammation. This leukocyte trafficking is controlled by interactions between adhesion molecules on leukocytes and corresponding ligands on endothelial cells.

Human leukocyte antigen typing of siblings in hereditary hemochromatosis: A cost approach

Paul C. Adams, Ann E. Kertesz – 1 February 1992 – To assess the clinical value of human leukocyte antigen typing in the diagnosis and management of hereditary hemochromatosis, 105 siblings of 35 proband cases of hemochromatosis were retrospectively analyzed to study whether the exclusion of human leukocyte antigen typing would have adversely affected management. All siblings and probands had already been tested for human leukocyte antigen‐A and human leukocyte antigen–B typing, serum ferritin and transferrin saturation. The median age of siblings was 55 yr (range = 11 to 82).

Isolated hepatic lipocytes and kupffer cells from normal human liver: Morphological and functional characteristics in primary culture

Scott L. Friedman, Don C. Rockey, Richard F. McGuire, Jacquelyn J. Maher, Janet K. Boyles, Glenn Yamasaki – 1 February 1992 – The development of techniques for isolating hepatic lipocytes (Ito, stellate or fat‐storing cells) from rodents has been instrumental in defining their role in hepatic vitamin A storage and fibrogenesis. In this study, we developed a method for the purification of lipocytes and Kupffer cell from wedge sections of normal human liver and examined their properties in primary culture.

Regulation of perfluorooctanoic acid–induced peroxisomal enzyme activities and hepatocellular growth by adrenal hormones

Jaideep Thottassery, Lloyd Winberg, Jihan Youssef, Michael Cunningham, Mostafa Z. Badr – 1 February 1992 – A wide variety of compounds, including hypolipidemic drugs, plasticizers and other industrial chemicals, have been found to cause liver enlargement and hepatic peroxisome proliferation by mechanisms that are unclear. Although thyroid and sex hormones have been shown to modulate the hepatic response to these chemicals, the role of adrenal hormones in these phenomena is not clear, and a few studies have produced conflicting data.

Treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma associated with advanced cirrhosis by transcatheter arterial chemoembolization using autologous blood clot: A preliminary report

Toshiaki Gunji, Nobuo Kawauchi, Shin Ohnishi, Takashi Ishikawa, Hitoshi Nakagama, Takashi Kaneko, Takashi Moriyama, Nobuyuki Matsuhashi, Yoshio Yazaki, Michio Imawari – 1 February 1992 – Twenty‐two patients with hepatocellular carcinoma were treated by a new method of transcatheter arterial chemoembolization using an autologous blood clot as an embolizing agent. All had underlying advanced cirrhosis (14 Child's class B and 8 Child's class C patients). The median follow‐up interval was 11 mo (range = 2 to 30 mo).

Drug‐induced prolonged cholestasis in adults: A histological semiquantitative study demonstrating progressive ductopenia

Claude Degott, Gérard Feldmann, Dominique Larrey, Anne‐Marie Durand‐Schneider, Didier Grange, Jean‐Pierre Machayekhi, Alain Moreau, François Potet, Jean‐Pierre Benhamou – 1 February 1992 – Drug‐induced acute hepatitis may be followed by prolonged cholestasis despite the withdrawal of the drug. Eight patients suffering from prolonged cholestasis caused by several drugs were investigated with sequential liver biopsies.

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