Prevalence of antibodies to hepatitis C virus among patients with cryptogenic chronic hepatitis and cirrhosis

Lennox J. Jeffers, Fuad Hasan, Maria de Medina, Rajender Reddy, Talley Parker, Marcelo Silva, Leonardo Mendez, Eugene R. Schiff, Michael Manns, Michael Houghton, Qui‐Lim Choo, George Kuo – 1 February 1992 – Many cases of chronic hepatitis and cirrhosis cannot be attributed to a known cause and are collectively referred to as cryptogenic chronic liver disease. We have evaluated the role of the hepatitis C virus in the pathogenesis of this condition in a retrospective serum analysis for antibody to hepatitis C virus in 129 patients with cryptogenic liver disease.

Prophylactic β‐blocker therapy: Clinical implications of an aggregate analysis

Jorge J. Gumucio, Thomas F. Imperiale, Arthur J. McCullough – 1 February 1992 – Background. The value of beta‐adrenergic‐antagonist drug therapy for the prevention of initial episodes of gastrointestinal bleeding in patients with cirrhosis and esophageal varices is uncertain, both positive and negative study results having been reported.

Prognostic features and role of liver transplantation in severe corticosteroid‐treated autoimmune chronic active hepatitis

Luis Sanchez‐Urdazpal, Albert J. Czaja, Bart van Hoek, Ruud A. F. Krom, Russell H. Wiesner – 1 February 1992 – To identify prognostic features and to define the role of liver transplantation in severe autoimmune chronic active hepatitis, findings before and after corticosteroid therapy in 111 patients were correlated with outcome and compared with the findings in 24 patients who had been selected independently for liver transplantation. Patients whose condition deteriorated during corticosteroid treatment were younger (32 ± 3 yr vs.

Pathogenesis of arterial hypotension in cirrhotic rats with ascites: Role of endogenous nitric oxide

Joan Clària, Wladimiro Jiménez, Josefa Ros, Mónica Asbert, Anna Castro, Vicente Arroyo, Francisca Rivera, Joan Rodés – 1 February 1992 – Nitric oxide is a vasodilator tonically secreted by endothelial cells that is involved in the regulation of arteriolar tone. This study, which includes two protocols, was performed to investigate whether nitric oxide plays a role in the pathogenesis of arterial hypotension in cirrhosis with ascites.

An improved model of acetaminophen‐induced fulminant hepatic failure in dogs

James H. Kelly, Tarek Koussayer, Da‐Er He, Maria G. Chong, Thomas A. Shang, Hartwell H. Whisennand, Norman L. Sussman – 1 February 1992 – We have established an improved model of fulminant hepatic failure in dogs. Buthionine sulfoximine is used to inactivate glutathione synthesis, and small increments of acetaminophen are given intravenously to maintain the plasma level at approximately 200 μg/ml for 20 hr. This regimen produces severe liver injury along with many of the features seen in humans with acetaminophen poisoning. The first sign of impending liver failure is hypoglycemia.

The effect of bile salts on carbonic anhydrase

David E. Milov, Wou‐Seok Jou, Rachel B. Shireman, Paul W. Chun – 1 February 1992 – Bile salts are potent inhibitors of bovine carbonic anhydrase and human carbonic anhydrase I and human carbonic anhydrase II. To further characterize the binding of bile salts to carbonic anhydrase, rate constants for the CO2 hydration reaction in the presence of deoxycholate, cholate, glycocholate and taurocholate were determined using stop‐flow experments.

Effect of α‐tocopherol on hepatic mixed function oxidases in hepatic ischemia/reperfusion

Sun‐Mee Lee, Mark G. Clemens – 1 February 1992 – This study was done to determine the relationship between microsomal lipid peroxidation during hepatic ischemia/reperfusion and alteration in cytochrome P‐450–dependent drug metabolism. Rats were pretreated with α‐tocopherol to inhibit lipid peroxidation or with vehicle (soybean oil) and then subjected to 60 min no‐flow hepatic ischemia in vivo. Control animals were time‐matched sham‐ischemic animals. After 1, 5 or 24 hr of reperfusion, liver microsomes were isolated and cytochrome P‐450 and mixed function oxidases were studied.

High cardiac output of advanced liver disease persists after orthotopic liver transplantation

J. Michael Henderson, Gregory J. Mackay, Michael Hooks, Judith L. Chezmar, John R. Galloway, Thomas F. Dodson, Michael H. Kutner – 1 February 1992 – This study measured cardiac output before and 1 or 2 yr after orthotopic liver transplantation in 23 patients. Cardiac output was measured by thermodilution before transplantation and by first‐pass radionuclide angiocardiography at follow‐up.

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