Detection of hepatitis C virus by polymerase chain reaction and response to interferon‐α therapy: Relationship to genotypes of hepatitis C virus

Kentaro Yoshioka, Shinichi Kakumu, Takaji Wakita, Tetsuya Ishikawa, Yuji Itoh, Masahiro Takayanagi, Yasuyuki Higashi, Motohiro Shibata, Tsuneo Morishima – 1 August 1992 – To investigate the relationship between genotypes of hepatitis C virus and response to interferon‐α therapy, hepatitis C virus RNA was assayed by polymerase chain reaction with three sets of primers and probes in 70 patients with non‐A, non‐B chronic hepatitis who received interferon‐α. Twenty‐four patients sustained long‐term remissions (complete responders).

Cytomegalovirus infection persists in the liver graft in the vanishing bile duct syndrome

Joachim C. Arnold, Bernard C. Portmann, John G. O'grady, Nikolai V. Naoumov, Graeme J. M. Alexander, Roger Williams – 1 August 1992 – Cytomegalovirus infection is one factor implicated in the cause of the vanishing bile duct syndrome complicating liver transplantation. To further investigate the role of cytomegalovirus in this syndrome, we studied serial liver biopsy material by in situ hybridization for cytomegalovirus DNA using a highly sensitive technique that allows the localization of viral replication.

Therapy of acute hepatitis C with interferon: How good is it really?

Jorge J. Gumucio, Jorge Rakela, David D. Douglas – 1 August 1992 – To test whether interferon can prevent acute non‐A, non‐B hepatitis from becoming chronic, a prospective controlled trial was conducted in 25 patients; 11 were treated for an average of 30 days with a mean of 52 megaunits of interferon and 14 acted as controls. 4 patients in the treatment group who continued to have raised serum aminotransferase concentrations after a year's follow‐up were given a second course of interferon.

Increased 4‐hydroxynonenal levels in experimental alcoholic liver disease: Association of lipid peroxidation with liver fibrogenesis

Seiichiro Kamimura, Karl Gaal, Robert S. Britton, Bruce R. Bacon, George Triadafilopoulos, Hidekazu Tsukamoto – 1 August 1992 – The precise role of lipid peroxidation in the pathogenesis of alcoholic liver disease is still being debated. To explore the issue, this study was undertaken to investigate the status of lipid peroxidation, antioxidants and prooxidants at two discrete stages of experimental alcoholic liver disease.

Cholesterol metabolism in human gallbladder mucosa: Relationship to cholesterol gallstone disease and effects of chenodeoxycholic acid and ursodeoxycholic acid treatment

Staffan Sahlin, Jon Ahlberg, Eva Reihnér, Dagny Starhlberg, Kurt Einarsson – 1 August 1992 – The objective of this study was to investigate cholesterol metabolism in human gallbladder mucosa, especially in relation to hepatic cholesterol metabolism, gallstone disease and treatment with bile acids. Gallbladder mucosa and liver tissue samples were collected in 44 patients undergoing cholecystectomy; 30 had cholesterol gallstones and the rest were stone free.

Spontaneously diabetic biobreeding rats and impairment of bile acid–independent bile flow and increased biliary bilirubin, calcium and lipid secretion

Javier González, Johan Fevery – 1 August 1992 – Chemically induced diabetes has been reported to induce profound changes in bile formation, but possible toxic effects of the streptozotocin or alloxan used cannot be excluded totally. This study was undertaken to evaluate biliary function in spontaneously diabetic female biobreeding rats with a diabetes duration of 2 wk and compare them with nondiabetic littermates. Diabetic animals evidenced glycosuria, hyperglycemia and hypoinsulinemia.

Tumor size determines the efficacy of percutaneous ethanol injection for the treatment of small hepatocellular carcinoma

Ramón Vilana, Jordi Bruix, Concepció Bru, Carmen Ayuso, Manel Solé, Joan Rodés – 1 August 1992 – This study was aimed at defining the therapeutic value of percutaneous ethanol injection in patients with solitary hepatocellular carcinoma less than 4 cm. Ultrasound‐guided ethanol injection was performed in 24 cirrhotic patients (9 Child A, 10 Child B and 5 Child C), with hepatocellular carcinoma not suitable for surgical treatment. Its efficacy was assessed by repeated ultrasound, computed tomography and tumor biopsy during a follow‐up ranging between 4 and 41 mo.

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