Immunohistochemical detection of hepatitis C virus–infected hepatocytes in chronic liver disease with monoclonal antibodies to core, envelope and NS3 regions of the hepatitis C virus genome

Naoki Hiramatsu, Norio Hayashi, Yoshimichi Haruna, Akinori Kasahara, Hideyuki Fusamoto, Chisato Mori, Isao Fuke, Hiroto Okayama, Takenobu Kamada – 1 August 1992 – The localization of hepatitis C virus–infected hepatocytes in the human liver remains unclear despite the development of a serological assay for the antibody to hepatitis C virus. We studied their localization immunohistochemically with monoclonal antibodies to core, envelope and NS3 antigens of hepatitis C virus.

Increased tissue‐type plasminogen activator activity in orthotopic but not heterotopic liver transplantation: The role of the anhepatic period

C. Minke Bakker, Herold J. Metselaar, Theo N. Groenland, Maria J. Gomes, Eduard A. R. Knot, Eric J. Hesselink, Solco W. Schalm, Jeanne Stibbe, Onno T. Terpstra – 1 August 1992 – The major cause of the increased tissue‐type plasminogen activator activity during orthotopic liver transplantation is still unclear. Both the lack of hepatic clearance of tissue‐type plasminogen activator in the anhepatic period and increased endothelial release from the graft on reperfusion have been proposed as the major causes.

Nodular regenerative hyperplasia in the rat induced by a selenium‐enriched diet: Study of a model

Paulette Bioulac‐Sage, Liliane Dubuisson, Christiane Bedin, Pierre Gonzalez, Eliane de Tinguy‐Moreaud, Henri Garcin, Charles Balabaud – 1 August 1992 – Weaned male rats were fed a 4 ppm selenium diet. Compared after 2 mo with a control group fed a 0.4 ppm diet, the rats' body weights had not significantly decreased and liver function was normal, but portal pressure was 1.8 times higher (p < 0.05). Liver weight was slightly increased (10.3%; p < 0.05). All livers had an abnormal appearance.

Cystic dilatation of peribiliary glands in livers with adult polycystic disease and livers with solitary nonparasitic cysts: An autopsy study

Tetsuji Kida, Yasuni Nakanuma, Tadashi Terada – 1 August 1992 – Cystic dilatation of peribiliary glands of intrahepatic and extrahepatic bile ducts was investigated in autopsied livers with adult polycystic disease (n = 8), in autopsied livers with solitary nonparasitic cysts (n = 18) and in normal autopsied livers (n = 23). In normal livers, cystic dilatation of intrahepatic peribiliary glands was absent or slight, when present. In livers with solitary nonparasitic cysts, cystic dilatation of intrahepatic peribiliary glands was present in varying degrees.

Hormonal status of postmenopausal women with alcohol‐induced cirrhosis: Further findings and a review of the literature

Judith S. Gavaler, David H. van Thiel – 1 August 1992 – The derangements of levels of sex hormones and gonadotropins in alcoholic cirrhotic men are well delineated. The countersituation in alcoholic cirrhotic women has not yet been fully described. This study was performed in postmenopausal women among whom menstrual cycle variations in hormones no longer occur; with such a study population, it is possible to control for confounding factors and thus optimize detection of differences in levels of hormones and hormone interrelationships.

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