High concentrations of soluble tumor necrosis factor receptors in ascites

Tilo Andus, Volker Gross, Axel Holstege, Margit Ott, Marlies Weber, Martina David, Harald Gallati, Wolfgang Gerok, Jürgen Schölmerich – 1 September 1992 – Ascites and plasma concentrations of soluble tumor necrosis factor receptors p55 and p75 were measured in a prospective study in 34 patients (35 occasions of ascites) with hepatic (5 infected and 21 uninfected) and malignancy‐related (9) ascites.

Comparison of hepatectomy and transcatheter arterial chemoembolization for the treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma: Necessity for prospective randomized trial

Fuyo Yoshimi, Takeshi Nagao, Sumio Inoue, Nobuhiro Kawano, Tetsuichiro Muto, Toshiaki Gunji, Shin Ohnishi, Michio Imawari – 1 September 1992 – Transcatheter arterial chemoembolization is now widely used in cases of surgically unresectable hepatocellular carcinoma. However, it is unclear whether patients with surgically resectable hepatocellular carcinoma should always be treated with hepatectomy as opposed to transcatheter arterial chemoembolization.

Limitations of current preoperative liver imaging techniques for intrahepatic metastatic nodules of hepatocellular carcinoma

Tohru Utsunomiya, Takashi Matsumata, Eisuke Adachi, Hiroshi Honda, Keizo Sugimachi – 1 September 1992 – To determine the limitations of the latest techniques in preoperative liver imaging for hepatocellular carcinoma, 20 patients with histologically proven intrahepatic metastatic tumors were studied. In 32 masses, we were able to assess the relationship between these intrahepatic metastatic tumors and the findings of preoperative imaging individually. Six intrahepatic metastatic tumors not exceeding 5 mm in diameter were missed in all the imaging examinations.

Assessment of hepatic phagocytic activity by in vivo microscopy after liver transplantation in the rat

Stefan Post, Alberto P. Gonzalez, Pablo Palma, Markus Rentsch, Adolf Stiehl, Michael D. Menger – 1 September 1992 – Phagocytic activity of sinusoidal lining cells was studied in 32 livers of male Lewis rats by in vivo fluorescence microscopy with epiillumination. Normal livers (group 1, n = 8) were compared with orthotopic syngeneic liver grafts 90 min after reperfusion after a period of cold storage in University of Wisconsin solution for 17 hr (group 2, n = 10) or 24 hr (group 3. n = 14).

Loss of mitochondrial respiratory function and its suppression during cold ischemic preservation of rat livers with university of Wisconsin solution

Seon‐Kyeong Kim, Folkert O. Belzer, James H. Southard – 1 September 1992 – Preservation of the liver involves a period of cold (0° to 4°C) ischemia; the longer the ischemic period, the greater the injury to the liver. The mechanisms for cold‐induced ischemic injury are not known, but it is clear that after preservation the liver has a reduced capacity to regenerate high‐energy phosphate compounds (ATP). One cause for the delayed rate of ATP synthesis could be injury to the mitochondria.

Biochemical and histopathological correlation in liver transplant: The first 180 days

Keith S. Henley, Michael R. Lucey, Henry D. Appelman, Prabhakar Baliga, Kimberly A. Brown, Gordon D. Burtch, Darrell A. Campbell, John M. Ham, Robert M. Merion, Jeremiah G. Turcotte – 1 September 1992 – It is not known whether the histopathology of the liver allograft can be predicted from biochemical measurements in serum with the same confidence as in the native liver.

Fat‐storing cells of the rat liver synthesize and secrete C1‐esterase inhibitor; modulation by cytokines

Stefan Schwögler, Margarete Odenthal, Thomas Knittel, Karl‐Hermann Meyer zum Büschenfelde, Giuliano Ramadori – 1 September 1992 – During liver fibrogenesis, fat‐storing cells transform into myofibroblast‐like cells and produce increasing amounts of extracellular matrix proteins. Because fat‐storing cells produce α2‐macroglobulin, an important serine protease inhibitor (serpin), we investigated whether fat‐storing cells also synthesize C1‐esterase inhibitor, another important serpin.

Detection of circulating intercellular adhesion molecule–1 in chronic liver diseases

David H. Adams, Elizabeth Mainolfi, Patrizia Burra, James M. Neuberger, Reuben Ayres, Elwyn Elias, Robert Rothlein – 1 September 1992 – The leucocyte adhesion molecule intercellular adhesion molecule–1 is induced on bile ducts in patients with primary biliary cirrhosis and primary sclerosing cholangitis and may be involved in targeting immune damage to these structures. It has recently been reported that, when activated, in vitro lymphocytes release a soluble form of intercellular adhesion molecule–1 that can also be detected in human serum.

Zinc supplementation reduces blood ammonia and increases liver ornithine transcarbamylase activity in experimental cirrhosis

Oliviero Riggio, Manuela Merli, Livio Capocaccia, Massimo Caschera, Angelo Zullo, Giorgio Pinto, Eugenio Gaudio, Antonio Franchitto, Roberta Spagnoli, Elvira D'aquilino, Siro Seri, Renzo Moretti, Alfredo Cantafora – 1 September 1992 – Zinc deficiency is common in cirrhosis and may be involved in the alteration of ammonia metabolism. Rats with carbon tetrachloride–induced cirrhosis have high plasma ammonia and low serum and tissue zinc levels.

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