Reversible inhibition of albumin production by rat hepatocytes maintained on a laminin‐rich gel (Engelbreth‐Holm‐Swarm) in response to secretory products of Kupffer cells and cytokines
Peter W. J. Kowalski‐Saunders, Paul J. Winwood, Michael J. P. Arthur, Ralph Wright – 1 September 1992 – Decreased albumin synthesis by hepatocytes in liver injury is thought to occur in response to Kupffer cell–derived acute‐phase cytokines. In this study we used hepatocytes maintained in a differentiated phenotype, by culture on a laminin‐rich gel substratum (Engelbreth‐Holm‐Swarm matrix), to investigate the effects of Kupffer cell–conditioned medium and purified cytokines (interleukin‐1, interleukin‐6 and tumor necrosis factor–a) on albumin synthesis.