Therapy in liver diseases. Edited by J. Rodés and V. Arroyo, 451 pp. Barcelona: Ediciones Doyma, 1992. $96
Robert H. Resnick – 1 October 1992
Robert H. Resnick – 1 October 1992
Keith S. Henley, Daniel P. Normolle – 1 October 1992
Nisen Abuaf, Catherine Johanet, Pascale Chretien, Eric Martini, Emmanuelle Soulier, Syria Laperche, Jean Claude Homberg – 1 October 1992 – An autoantibody to liver cytosol was previously described in childhood autoimmune chronic active hepatitis type 2. The antigen, liver cytosol antigen type 1, was for the first time partially purified using gel filtration and ion exchange chromatography, and it was characterized using immunodiffusion, immunoblot and sodium dodecyl sulfate—polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis analysis of the immunoprecipitate.
1 October 1992
David Carbone – 1 October 1992 – Mutations in the p53 tumour‐suppressor gene are the most frequently observed genetic lesions in human cancers. To investigate the role of the p53 gene in mammalian development and tumorigenesis, a null mutation was introduced into the gene by homologous recombination in murine embryonic stem cells. Mice homozygous for the null allele appear normal but are prone to the spontaneous development of a variety of neoplasms by 6 months of age.
Max C. W. Jebbink, Ad A. M. Masclee, Frank G. H. van der Kleij, Jaap Schipper, Lucio C. Rovati, Jan B. M. J. Jansen, Cornelis B. H. W. Lamers – 1 October 1992 – This study was undertaken to investigate the effect of erythromycin, a motilin agonist with prokinetic activity, on fasting gallbladder volume.
José Luis Menéndez, José Antonio Girón, Luis Manzano, Aurelio Garrido, Luis Abreu, Agustin Albillos, Alberto Durántez, Melchor Alvarez‐Mon – 1 October 1992 – There is increasing evidence that primary biliary cirrhosis is associated with an alteration of the immune system. Although the cause remains unknown, it has been suggested that the immune system of patients with primary biliary cirrhosis is involved in the pathogenesis of their disease.
Carla Colombo, Andrea Crosignani, Marisa Assaisso, Pier Maria Battezzati, Mauro Podda, Annamaria Giunta, Linda Zimmer‐Nechemias, Kenneth D. R. Setchell – 1 October 1992 – Previous studies from our groups have demonstrated improvements in biochemical markers of liver function when cystic fibrosis patients with associated liver disease were administered oral ursodeoxycholic acid.
Linda D. Ferrell, Teresa L. Wright, John Roberts, Nancy Ascher, John Lake – 1 October 1992 – In this study we examined multiple serial liver biopsy specimens from liver transplant recipients to determine the pathological features of hepatitis C virus—induced hepatitis. Hepatitis C virus infections acquired after transplantation and previous infections that recurred in patients after transplantation were confirmed by the results of the polymerase chain reaction. Of 43 patients infected with the hepatitis C virus, 18 had a mild form of chronic hepatitis.
1 October 1992