Nitric oxide: The elusive mediator of the hyperdynamic circulation of cirrhosis?
Brendan J. R. Whittle, Salvador Moncada – 1 October 1992
Lack of control of liver gluconeogenesis in cholestatic rats with reduced portal blood flow
José Eduardo de Salles Roselino, Orlando de Castro‐e‐silva, Reginaldo Ceneviva – 1 October 1992 – Previous studies indicated a role for ischemia in the metabolic changes induced by cholestasis. Liver pyruvate kinase is a key enzyme for the concurrent control of glycolysis and gluconeogenesis. In this experiment the control of pyruvate kinase activity was investigated in cholestatic rats. Pyruvate kinase kinetics changed from a sigmoidal type in sham‐operated rats to a hyperbolic type in obstructed rats.
Hepatic accumulation of lysosomes and defective transcytotic vesicular pathways in cirrhotic rat liver
Jean‐François Dufour, Peter Gehr, Jürg Reichen – 1 October 1992 – To investigate the potential role of lysosomes in cirrhosis, we analyzed the activity of lysosomal enzymes in rats exposed long‐term to phenobarbital and carbon tetrachloride. The activity of lysosomal enzymes was markedly increased in the homogenate of cirrhotic livers (e.g., arylsulfatase 9 ± S.D.2 vs. 16 ± 6 nmoles · min−1 · mg−1 in control rats and cirrhotic rats, respectively; p < 0.001). The corresponding plasma levels were also increased (7 ± 1 vs.
Dietary N‐3 polyunsaturated fatty acids decrease biliary cholesterol saturation in gallstone disease
Frieder Berr, Joseph Holl, Dieter Jüngst, Sven Fischer, Werner O. Richter, Bernd Seifferth, Gustav Paumgartner – 1 October 1992 – Because fatty acid composition of biliary phospholipids influences cholesterol secretion into bile, we investigated whether replacement of n‐1 monounsaturated or n‐6 polyunsaturated fatty acids with n‐3 polyunsaturated fatty acids in biliary phosphatidylcholines reduces supersaturation with cholesterol and prevents precipitation of cholesterol crystals in bile of gallstone patients.
Treatment of children with chronic hepatitis C with recombinant interferon‐α: A pilot study
Mercedes Ruiz‐Moreno, Maria José Rua, Inmaculada Castillo, Maria Dolores García‐Novo, Maravillas Santos, Sonia Navas, Vicente Carreño – 1 October 1992 – Twelve children with chronic non‐A, non‐B hepatitis were entered in a pilot trial of recombinant interferon‐α. Although all the children had hepatitis C virus RNA in serum, only five had antibodies against this virus. Children received 3 MU/m2 body surface area interferon‐α 3 times/wk for 6 mo; they were followed for 24 mo, including the therapy period.
A pilot study of 2′,3′‐dideoxyinosine for the treatment of chronic hepatitis B
Michael W. Fried, Julia C. Korenman, Adrian M. Di Bisceglie, Yoon Park, Jeanne G. Waggoner, Hiroaki Mitsuya, Neil R. Hartman, Robert Yarchoan, Samuel Broder, Jay H. Hoofnagle – 1 October 1992 – The nucleoside analog 2′,3′‐dideoxyinosine, currently being used to treat patients infected with the human immunodeficiency virus, has been shown to inhibit viral replication in certain cell culture systems of hepatitis B virus and the duck model of chronic hepatitis B infection. We studied the effect of dideoxyinosine on viral replication in patients with chronic hepatitis B.
Hepatitis A—New information on an old virus
Chris J. Dickinson – 1 October 1992 – An outbreak of hepatitis A virus (HAV) infection in a neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) provided the opportunity to examine the duration of HAV excretion in infants and the mechanisms by which HAV epidemics are propagated in NICUs. The outbreak affected 13 NICU infants (20%), 22 NICU nurses (24%), 8 other staff caring for NICU infants, and 4 household contacts; 2 seropositive infants (primary cases) received blood transfusions from a donor with HAV infection.
The perfused liver is capable of producing all transferrin glycan variants found in the sera of intact rats
Wei‐Li Hu, Paul A. Chindemi, Erwin Regoeczi – 1 October 1992 – The single oligosaccharide attachment in rat transferrin exhibits marked structural microheterogeneity. In this study we examined whether all microheterogeneous forms of rat transferrin found in plasma are derived from a single organ, such as the liver. To this end we analyzed the glycans of rat transferrin synthesized by the isolated perfused rat liver by a method established earlier for rat transferrin isolated from rat plasma.
Saturability of hepatic iron deposits in genetic hemochromatosis
Clara Mandell, Lucia Cesarini, Alberto Piperno, Silvia Fargion, Anna L. Fracanzani, Donatella Barisani, Dario Conte – 1 October 1992 – The relationship of pretreatment serum ferritin and hepatic iron concentration to body iron removed by venesections was evaluated in 33 patients with genetic hemochromatosis. The median values of the three variables considered were 1,950 μg/L (range = 255 to 10,000), 1,175 μg/100 mg dry weight (range = 270 to 4,310) and 10 gm (range = 2 to 41), respectively.