Interaction of bile salts with calcium hydroxyapatite: Inhibitors of apatite formation exhibit high–affinity premicellar binding

Sui‐Min Qiu, Roger D. Soloway, Roger S. Crowther – 1 November 1992 – Of the major human bile salts, only the glycineconjugated dihydroxy species prevent the transformation of amorphous calcium phosphate to calcium hydroxyapatite, a component of gallstones; we have proposed that this inhibition occurs by competition between the bile salt and HPO42− anions for binding site on the apatite crystal embryo.

Octreotide inhibits the meal‐induced increases in the portal venous pressure of cirrhotic patients with portal hypertension: A double‐blind, placebo‐controlled study

P. Aiden McCormick, Maria Rosa Biagini, Robert Dick, Lynda Greenslade, Jason Chin, Fabrizio Cardin, Donald Wagstaff, Neil McIntyre, Andrew K. Burroughs – 1 November 1992 – The aim of this study was to determine the effects of the long‐acting somatostatin analog, octreotide, on portal venous pressure and collateral blood flow in cirrhotic patients with portal hypertension during fasting and postprandial states.

Hepatitis C virus reinfection in allografts after orthotopic liver transplantation

Volker König, Jürgen Bauditz, Hartmut Lobeck, Rainer Lüsebrink, Peter Neuhaus, Gerhard Blumhardt, Wolf Otto Bechstein, Ruth Neuhaus, Rudolf Steffen, Uwe Hopf – 1 November 1992 – From September 1988 to May 1991, 160 orthotopic liver transplantations were performed in our hospital. Twenty‐four patients had end‐stage cirrhosis caused by chronic non‐A, non‐B hepatitis. Antibodies against hepatitis C virus were documented before and after orthotopic liver transplantation in 13 patients.

Surgical management of the Budd‐Chiari syndrome: No place for a procrustean bed

Alan N. Langnas, Michael F. Sorrell, Jeremiah P. Donovan, Byers W. Shaw – 1 November 1992 – Over 12 years, 22 patients with the Budd‐Chiari syndrome were treated surgically. Eighteen underwent a mesenterico‐caval shunt (MCS); two, a side‐to‐side portacaval shunt; one, a mesentericoatrial shunt (MAS); and one, a liver transplantation (OLT). One patient died after operation from the precipitating condition, and two MCS grafts that thrombosed were restored.

Aflatoxin B1 DNA adducts in smeared tumor tissue from patients with hepatocellular carcinoma

Chien‐Jen Chen, Yu‐Jing Zhang, Sheng‐Nan Lu, Regina M. Santella – 1 November 1992 – Aflatoxins are well‐known animal hepatocarcinogens, but the association between aflatoxins and human hepatocellular carcinoma remains to be elucidated. A study method consisting of indirect immunofluorescence assay combined with densitometry was developed to quantitate aflatoxin B1 DNA adducts in smeared liver tissue obtained at the time of biopsy for diagnosis in 50 hepatocellular carcinoma patients in Taiwan.

Expression and localization of the small and large delta antigens during the replication cycle of hepatitis D virus

Jaw‐Ching Wu, Chih‐Li Chen, Shou‐Dong Lee, I‐Jane Sheen, Ling‐Pai Ting – 1 November 1992 – To study the expression and localization of delta antigen during the replication cycle of hepatitis D virus, we cotransfected HuH‐7 hepatoma cells with a hepatitis B virus expression plasmid and plasmids expressing the small or large delta antigen or the entire HDV genome. The transfected cells and culture medium were analyzed on double immunofluorescence staining for delta antigen and HBsAg, on Western blotting and on Northern‐blot hybridization from 4 hr to 9 days after transfection.

Inflammation and platelet‐activating factor production during hepatic ischemia/reperfusion

Weiguo Zhou, Mark O. McCollum, Barry A. Levine, Merle S. Olson – 1 November 1992 – The role of platelet‐activating factor as a potential mediator of hepatic inflammatory injury associated with liver ischemia/reperfusion was investigated using a partial no‐flow model in rats in vivo. Plateletactivating factor levels of livers from sham‐operated rats and from animals experiencing hepatic reperfusion for less than 6 hr were very low.

Identification and partial characterization of a hepatocyte‐derived factor promoting proliferation of cultured fat‐storing cells (parasinusoidal lipocytes)

Axel M. Gressner, Sina Lotfi, Gabriele Gressner, Birgit Lahme – 1 November 1992 – The molecular and cellular mechanisms of activation of fat‐storing cells (Ito cells or parasinusoidal lipocytes), a prerequisite of the fibrogenic response of injured liver, were studied by analysis in vitro of some aspects of the intercellular communication between parenchymal liver cells and fat‐storing cells.

Oxidative metabolism in cirrhotic patients with and without hepatocellular carcinoma: Effects of malnutrition

Francesco William Guglielmi, Tecla Mastronuzzi, Maria de Marco, Lucia Laddaga, Carmine Panella, Antonio Francavilla – 1 November 1992 – Progressive degrees of metabolic alterations are frequent in cirrhosis impairing peripheral tissue and body composition. Hepatocellular carcinoma worsens protein wasting and malnutrition. A normal energy production rate and an abnormal substrate oxidation rate are well‐known findings in cirrhosis; however, no data are available on cirrhotic patients with hepatocellular carcinoma.

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