Rapid donor liver nutritional enhancement in a large animal model

Robert Cywes, Paul D. Greig, Glynn R. Morgan, Juan R. Sanabria, Pierre‐Alain Clavien, P. Robert C. Harvey, Steven M. Strasberg – 1 November 1992 – Organ donors are typically subject to acute hyponutrition that might affect postpreservation liver function. Livers from nutritionally supplemented rats function better after preservation than livers from fasted rats. We have developed a method to glycogenate the liver of large animals in the temporal context of a human donor liver operation and have studied the fate of glycogen stores during preservation.

Differential expression of hepatocyte growth factor, transforming growth factor‐α and transforming growth factor‐β1 messenger RNAs in two experimental models of liver cell proliferation

Masaaki Masuhara, Sikandar L. Katyal, Toshikazu Nakamura, Hisashi Shinozuka – 1 November 1992 – Hepatocyte growth factor, a potent hepatocyte mitogen in vitro, appears to trigger hepatocyte regeneration after partial hepatectomy and after acute liver cell necrosis. Transforming growth factor‐α and transforming growth factor‐β may also be involved in the control of liver regeneration.

Appearance of hepatocytelike cells in the interlobular bile ducts of human liver in various liver disease states

Minoru Nomoto, Yasurou Uchikosi, Natumi Kajikazawa, Yasuki Tanaka, Hitosi Asakura – 1 November 1992 – Among 1,098 liver biopsy specimens obtained from patients with various liver diseases characterized by liver injury, 58 epithelial cells whose cytoplasms stained positively by the periodic acid–Schiff stain (digested with diastase) were recognized in the interlobular bile ducts of 37 specimens from 36 patients.

Characterization of sodium‐dependent amino acid transport activity during liver regeneration

Fred C. Fowler, Robert K. Banks, Mark E. Mailliard – 1 November 1992 – Liver regeneration occurs after removal of or damage to a portion of the liver; it leads to restoration of the original liver mass. The activities of three sodium‐dependent amino acid transporters‐system A, system N and system ASC‐were determined during a 5‐day period of liver regeneration in the rat. Seventy‐percent hepatectomy or laparotomy was performed in pairs of rats; these rats' livers were removed at different time points after surgery.

M4 and M9 antibodies in the overlap syndrome of primary biliary cirrhosis and chronic active hepatitis: Epitopes or epiphenomena?

Paul A. Davis, Patrick Leung, Michael Manns, Marshall Kaplan, Santiago J. Munoz, Frederic A. Gorin, E. Rolland Dickson, Edward Krawitt, Ross Coppel, M. Eric Gershwin – 1 November 1992 – Before the identification of the major mitochondrial antigens of primary biliary cirrhosis as components of the 2‐oxo‐acid dehydrogenase enzyme family, mitochondrial autoantigens were believed to be extremely heterogeneous and were divided into nine subtypes termed M1 to M9.

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