Estimated central blood volume in cirrhosis: Relationship to sympathetic nervous activity, β‐adrenergic blockade and atrial natriuretic factor
Jens H. Henriksen, Flemming Bendtsen, Alexander L. Gerbes, Niels Juel Christensen, Helmer Ring‐Larsen, Thorkild I. A. Sørensen – 1 November 1992 – The estimated central blood volume (i.e., blood volume in the heart cavities, lungs and central arterial tree) was determined by multiplying cardiac output by circulatory mean transit time in 19 patients with cirrhosis and compared with sympathetic nervous activity and circulating level of atrial natriuretic factor. Arterial norepinephrine level, an index of overall sympathetic nervous activity (3.08 nmol/L in patients vs.