Estimated central blood volume in cirrhosis: Relationship to sympathetic nervous activity, β‐adrenergic blockade and atrial natriuretic factor

Jens H. Henriksen, Flemming Bendtsen, Alexander L. Gerbes, Niels Juel Christensen, Helmer Ring‐Larsen, Thorkild I. A. Sørensen – 1 November 1992 – The estimated central blood volume (i.e., blood volume in the heart cavities, lungs and central arterial tree) was determined by multiplying cardiac output by circulatory mean transit time in 19 patients with cirrhosis and compared with sympathetic nervous activity and circulating level of atrial natriuretic factor. Arterial norepinephrine level, an index of overall sympathetic nervous activity (3.08 nmol/L in patients vs.

Emergency liver transplantation for fulminant liver failure in infants and children

Denis Devictor, Laurence Desplanques, Dominique Debray, Yves Ozier, Anne‐Marie Dubousset, Jacques Valayer, Didier Houssin, Olivier Bernard, Gilbert Huault – 1 November 1992 – We report our results with orthotopic liver transplantation in children with fulminant liver failure. Thirty‐five children with fulminant liver failure were evaluated for liver transplantation. The main causes of liver failure were viral hepatitis (54.2%), drug‐induced liver injury (14.2%) and Wilson's disease (11.4%).

Acute effects of topical methyl tert‐butyl ether or ethyl propionate on gallbladder histology in animals: A comparison of two solvents for contact dissolution of cholesterol gallstones

Oliver Esch, John C. Spinosa, Ronald L. Hamilton, Diane L. Crombie, Claudio D. Schteingart, Joseph F. Rondinone, Horacio B. D'Agostino, Jan Lillienau, Alan F. Hofmann – 1 October 1992 – Experiments were performed in anesthetized rabbits and piglets to assess gallbladder mucosal injury during irrigation with methyl tert‐butyl ether, a C5 ether, or ethyl propionate, a C5 ester—two organic solvents used in the contact dissolution of cholesterol gallstones.

Macroregenerative nodules and hepatocellular carcinoma in forty‐four sequential adult liver explants with cirrhosis

Neil D. Theise, Myron Schwartz, Charles Miller, Swan N. Thung – 1 October 1992 – Macroregenerative nodules, also called nodules of adenomatous hyperplasia, have been well documented in Japan. Extensive studies support the hypothesis that in the Japanese population these lesions represent a possible pathway for hepatocarcinogenesis. However, reporting of these lesions in non‐Japanese populations has so far been rare. We examined 44 sequential cirrhotic hepatectomy specimens from adult patients who underwent orthotopic liver transplantation at our institution.

Does elective sclerotherapy improve the efficacy of long‐term propranolol for prevention of recurrent bleeding in patients with severe cirrhosis? A prospective multicenter, randomized trial

Olivier Ink, Thierry Martin, Thierry Poynard, Marc Reville, Marie‐Laure Anciaux, Claude Lenoir, Jean‐Luc Marill, Hélène Labadie, Claude Masliah, Daniel Perrin, Jean‐Claude Chaput, Denis Vetter, Claude Eugene, Louis Lebodic, Henri Licht, Jean‐Pierre Etienne – 1 October 1992 – We conducted a prospective, multicenter, randomized trial to compare the efficacy of sclerotherapy plus propranolol with that of propranolol alone in the prevention of recurrent gastroesophageal bleeding in severely cirrhotic patients.

Postresection recurrence of hepatocellular carcinoma treated by arterial embolization: Analysis of prognostic factors

Kenichi Takayasu, Fumihiko Wakao, Noriyuki Moriyama, Yukio Muramatsu, Susumu Yamazaki, Tomoo Kosuge, Tadatoshi Takayama, Shuichi Okada, Nobuo Okazaki, Masatoshi Makuuchi – 1 October 1992 – Of 270 consecutive patients with hepatocellular carcinoma who underwent surgery, 50 who had recurrence and were subsequently treated with transcatheter arterial embolization were analyzed. The longest interval between surgery and recurrence in the 50 patients who underwent transcatheter arterial embolization was 7 yr.

Ethanol‐induced vasoconstriction causes focal hepatocellular injury in the isolated perfused rat liver

Masahide Oshita, Nobuhiro Sato, Harumasa Yoshihara, Yoshiyuki Takei, Taizo Hijioka, Hiroyuki Fukui, Moritaka Goto, Takashi Matsunaga, Toru Kashiwagi, Sunao Kawano, Hideyuki Fusamoto, Takenobu Kamada – 1 October 1992 – The role of microcirculation in the pathogenesis of alcoholic liver injury was investigated in isolated perfused livers from fed rats. Infusion of ethanol into the portal vein at concentrations ranging from 25 to 200 mmol/L increased portal pressure, which is an indicator of hepatic vasoconstriction, in a concentration‐dependent fashion.

31P magnetic resonance spectroscopy detects a functional abnormality in liver metabolism after acetaminophen poisoning

Ruth M. Dixon, Peter W. Angus, Bheeshma Rajagopalan, George K. Radda – 1 October 1992 – Eighteen patients with acetaminophen poisoning were studied with 31P magnetic resonance spectroscopy to measure phosphorus‐containing metabolites in their livers. The concentrations of all magnetic resonance—detectable metabolites fell in parallel with a decrease in the synthetic ability of the liver, indicated by the prothrombin time ratio (international normalized ratio).

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