The hemodynamic status of preascitic cirrhosis: An evaluation under steady‐state conditions and after postural change

Mauro Bernardi, Claudio de Marco, Franco Trevisani, Carlo de Collibus, Lorenzo Fornalé, Mario Baraldini, Pietro Andreone, Carmela Cursaro, Fabio Zacá, Amedeo Ligabue, Giovanni Gasbarrini – 1 August 1992 – To assess the hemodynamic status of patients with compensated cirrhosis, mean arterial pressure, cardiac index and peripheral vascular resistance and markers of central (plasma concentrations of atrial natriuretic factor) and arterial volemia (plasma norepinephrine concentration, plasma renin activity) were studied in 10 patients and 10 healthy control subjects under steady‐state condition

Tumor necrosis factor and endotoxin in the pathogenesis of liver and pulmonary injuries after orthotopic liver transplantation in the rat

Moritaka Goto, Yoshiyuki Takei, Sunao Kawano, Shingo Tsuji, Hiroyuki Fukui, Hiroaki Fushimi, Yoshiya Nishimura, Toru Kashiwagi, Hideyuki Fusamoto, Takenobu Kamada – 1 August 1992 – This study examines whether tumor necrosis factor and endotoxin are involved in the pathogenesis of primary nonfunction of graft and pulmonary complication after orthotopic liver transplantation. Livers from Lewis rats were stored for either 1 or 4 hr in ice‐cold Euro‐Collins solution (1‐hr storage and 4‐hr storage group, respectively). Subsequently, donor livers were implanted orthotopically.

Epidermal growth factor induces dose‐dependent calcium oscillations in single fura‐2–loaded Hepatocytes

Yuji Tanaka, Norio Hayashi, Akira Kaneko, Toshifumi Ito, Eiji Miyoshi, Yutaka Sasaki, Hideyuki Fusamoto, Takenobu Kamada – 1 August 1992 – Digital imaging fluorescence microscopy has been used to investigate epidermal growth factor–induced calcium responses of fura‐2–loaded hepatocytes in primary culture at the single‐cell level. Epidermal growth factor induced oscillations in cytosolic free calcium ([Ca2+]i) consisting of a periodic train of spikes unlike the monophasic elevation in cell suspensions reported previously.

Small cell colonies appear in the primary culture of adult rat hepatocytes in the presence of nicotinamide and epidermal growth factor

Toshihiro Mitaka, Michihide Mikami, Gerald L. Sattler, Henry C. Pitot, Yohichi Mochizuki – 1 August 1992 – Colonies of small hepatocytes appeared after the culture of primary adult rat hepatocytes for 4 days in serum‐free modified Dulbecco's modified Eagle's medium containing 10 mmol/L nicotinamide and 10 ng/ml epidermal growth factor. Each colony consisted of cells that had a single nucleus and a higher nucleus/cytoplasm ratio than surrounding hepatocytes, and immunocytochemically these cells were stained with albumin and transferrin.

Metabolism of 15N‐ammonia in patients with cirrhosis: A three‐compartmental analysis

Takechika Fujii, Michimori Kohno, Chisato Hirayama – 1 August 1992 – Urinary 15N‐ammonia and 15N‐urea were measured by gas chromatography‐mass spectrometry after the intravenous administration of 15N‐ammonia (0.2 μmol/kg/hr) to 6 volunteers and 11 patients with cirrhosis. Urinary 15N‐nitrogen excretion as ammonia and urea was measured during the 210‐min infusion period, and urea synthesis and ammonia conversion to amino acids were analyzed with a three‐compartment model using the nonlinear least‐squares method.

Ethinylestradiol increases volume and decreases sinusoidal membrane surface in the rat liver: A stereological analysis

Beat Hornstein, Lukas Stammler, Leonardo Bianchi, Lukas Landmann – 1 July 1992 – Structural alterations of liver parenchyma caused by ethinylestradiol, a synthetic estrogen known to induce cholestasis and to act as a tumor promoter factor, were investigated. Male rats treated with 17α‐ethinylestradiol (5 mg/kg body weight for 5 days) were compared with controls (n = 5 each). After perfusion fixation and systematic random sampling, paraffin sections, semithin sections and thin sections were examined observing standard stereological techniques.

Lipopolysaccharide treatment of rats alters antigen expression and oxidative metabolism in hepatic macrophages and endothelial cells

Thomas W. Mc Closkey, Jeanine A. Todaro, Debra L. Laskin – 1 July 1992 – Endothelial cells and macrophages are located within the hepatic sinusoids. These two cell types play an important role in the clearance of bacterially derived lipopolysaccharide from the portal circulation. Our laboratory has previously demonstrated that treatment of rats with lipopolysaccharide results in the accumulation of macrophages in the liver that display properties of activated mononuclear phagocytes. This study was designed to analyze the effects of lipopolysaccharide on hepatic endothelial cells.

Sodium benzoate in the treatment of acute hepatic encephalopathy: A double‐blind randomized trial

S. Sushma, S. Dasarathy, Rakesh K. Tandon, Satish Jain, Surya Gupta, Mahender S. Bhist – 1 July 1992 – A prospective randomized double‐blind study was conducted to evaluate the efficacy of sodium benzoate in the treatment of acute portal‐systemic encephalopathy. Seventy‐four consecutive patients with cirrhosis or surgical portasystemic anastamosis and hepatic encephalopathy of less than 7 days duration were randomized to receive lactulose (dose adjusted for 2 or 3 semiformed stools/day) or sodium benzoate (5 gm twice daily).

Natural history of small untreated hepatocellular carcinoma in cirrhosis: A multivariate analysis of prognostic factors of tumor growth rate and patient survival

Luigi Barbara, Giovanna Benzi, Stefano Gaiani, Fabio Fusconi, Gianni Zironi, Sebastiano Siringo, Alessandra Rigamonti, Carlotta Barbara, Walter Grigioni, Alighieri Mazziotti, Luigi Bolondi – 1 July 1992 – We analyzed the growth pattern of tumor masses and the survival of 39 asymptomatic Italian patients with a total of 59 small (⩽ 5 cm in diameter) hepatocellular carcinomas arising from cirrhosis. The total length of the observation period ranged from 90 to 962 days, with an average of 364 ± 229 (mean ± S.D.).

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