Role of the cyclic AMP response element in rat fibronectin gene expression

Sun Miao, Parmjeet K. Suri, Liu Shu‐Ling, Ann Abraham, Nanette Cook, Patrice Milos, Mark A. Zern – 1 May 1993 – Fibronectin expression is of considerable importance in normal and fibrotic liver. Plasma fibronectin levels are correlated with good prognosis in liver failure, and cellular fibronectin plays a crucial role in fibrogenesis. In this study, we observed that the H4II rat hepatoma cell line does not express fibronectin. Furthermore, a recombinant vector (pFGH) containing the promoter elements of the fibronectin gene showed no promoter function when transfected into this cell line.

Induction of multidrug resistance gene expression during cholestasis in rats and nonhuman primates

Dieter Schrenk, Timothy W. Gant, Karl‐Heinz Preisegger, Jeffrey A. Silverman, Pamela A. Marino, Snorri S. Thorgeirsson – 1 May 1993 – P‐glycoprotein, an energy‐dependent plasma membrane drug‐efflux pump capable of reducing the intracellular concentration of a variety of hydrophobic xenobiotics, is encoded by mdr 1, a member of the multidrug‐resistant (mdr) gene family. The physiological function of this protein is unknown.

Assessment of lymphokine‐activated killer activity and γ‐interferon production in patients with small hepatocellular carcinomas

Toshiji Saibara, Takashi Maeda, Masako Miyazaki, Saburo Onishi, Yasutake Yamamoto – 1 May 1993 – We have previously reported depressed γ‐interferon production and depressed lymphokine‐activated killer and natural killer activity in patients with relatively large hepatocellular carcinomas. These parameters were normal in cirrhosis.

Increased neutrophil function induced by bile duct ligation in a rat model

Rachel Levy, Francisc Schlaeffer, Arie Keynan, Ofra Nagauker, Arie Yaari, Emanuel Sikuler – 1 May 1993 – Neutrophil function was studied in rats with common bile duct ligation. Superoxide production stimulated by phorhol myristate acetate, opsonized zymosan or formyl‐methionyl‐leucyl‐phenylalanine; phagocytosis; and chemotaxis were significantly greater in neutrophils from rats with common bile duct ligation than in sham‐operated control rats. Enhanced neutrophil activity was observed within 12 hr of bile duct ligation; it remained increased during the 15‐day study.

Defenestration of the sinusoidal endothelial cell in a rat model of cirrhosis

Takashi Mori, Takeshi Okanoue, Yoshihiko Sawa, Naoki Hori, Masaharu Ohta, Keizo Kagawa – 1 May 1993 – We characterized the structural and immunohistological changes of sinusoidal endothelial cells that occur during cirrhosis in rats made cirrhotic with thioacetamide. Thioacetamide (200 mg/kg body wt) was injected intraperitoneally three times a week into male Wistar rats.

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