Quantitative analysis of antibodies to hepatitis C virus during interferon‐α therapy

Nobukazu Yuki, Norio Hayashi, Hideki Hagiwara, Tetsuo Takehara, Kazuhiro Katayama, Akinori Kasahara, Hideyuki Fusamoto, Takenobu Kamada – 1 June 1993 – We quantified IgG antibodies to structural (core) and nonstructural (C100‐3) hepatitis C virus proteins in 42 patients with chronic hepatitis C treated with a 6‐mo course of interferon‐α Sera were drawn before and at the end of therapy and also 6 mo after therapy withdrawal; they were stored for later analysis of antibodies and serum hepatitis C virus RNA.

Incidence of adverse reactions to cyclosporine after liver transplantation is predicted by the first blood level

Daniel Azoulay, Antoinette Lemoine, Ashley Dennison, Jean Michel Gries, Isabelle Dolizy, Denis Castaing, Philippe Beaune, Henri Bismuth – 1 June 1993 – Despite the availability of whole‐blood cyclosporine assays, the different responses of individual patients to its administration after transplantation continue to pose clinical problems, particularly with respect to toxicity. Fifty‐seven recipients of first orthotopic liver transplants were studied between January 1992 and July 1992.

Evaluation of structural change in diffuse liver disease with frequency domain analysis of ultrasound

Kunio Suzuki, Norio Hayashi, Yutaka Sasaki, Michikazu Kono, Akinori Kasahara, Yutaka Imai, Hideyuki Fusamoto, Takenobu Kamada – 1 June 1993 – To evaluate structural changes in diffuse liver disease, frequency domain analysis was applied to ultrasonic signals from the liver. We assumed that liver tissue is a collection of semiregularly arrayed small scatterers of ultrasound. We applied cepstral analysis to the ultrasonic waveforms and evaluated the periodicity of scalloping of the power spectrum caused by an interference effect among liver scatterers of a given spacing.

Differential depletion of carotenoids and tocopherol in liver disease

Maria A. Leo, Alan S. Rosman, Charles S. Lieber – 1 June 1993 – Carotenoids and tocopherols are major natural protective agents against free radical–mediated liver damage, but their levels in diseased liver are largely uncharted. Therefore we carried out measurements with high‐pressure liquid chromatography of α‐ and β‐carotene, lycopene, cryptoxanthin, lutein and zeaxanthin, total retinoids and α‐ and γ‐tocopherol. Liver tissue was obtained from percutaneous needle biopsies, livers of transplant recipients or a donor bank.

Adoptive transfer of immunity to hepatitis B virus in mice by bone marrow transplantation from immune donors

Daniel Shouval, Ruth Adler, Yaron Ilan – 1 June 1993 – Recipients of allogeneic bone marrow transplantation are immunosuppressed as a result of their primary disease and by myeloablative therapy. Such patients are dependent on multiple blood products and are at risk for hepatitis B virus infection. Active immunization against hepatitis B in the immediate pre‐ and post‐transplant periods is ineffective, pre‐ sumably because of decreased T cell–dependent B‐cell responses.

Potential role of hepatic macrophages in neutrophil‐mediated liver injury in rats with sepsis

Fukashi Doi, Tomomochi Goya, Motomichi Torisu – 1 June 1993 – We investigated the pathogenesis of septic liver injury in rats caused by cecal ligation and puncture. In this model, numerous neutrophils accumulated in the liver in parallel with the development of liver dysfunction. The supernatants of hepatic macrophages isolated from these septic rats 24 hr after cecal ligation and puncture had enhanced chemotactic activities for human neutrophils. These results suggest that in sepsis, hepatic macrophages attract neutrophils to the liver.

Mechanism of biliary lipid secretion in the rat: A role for bile acid–independent bile flow?

Henkjan J. Verkade, Henk Wolters, Albert Gerding, Rick Havinga, Vaclav Fidler, Roel J. Vonk, Folkert Kuipers – 1 June 1993 – Bile acid–induced lipid secretion was compared in unanesthetized normal control and Groningen Yellow Wistar rats during variations in endogenous bile acid output. Groningen Yellow rats express a genetic defect in the biliary secretion of various organic anions.

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