Administration of prostaglandin E1 analog reduces rat hepatic and ito cell collagen gene expression and collagen accumulation after bile duct ligation injury

David W. A. Beno, Ronald Espinal, Brian M. Edelstein, Bernard H. Davis – 1 April 1993 – Recent studies suggest that prostaglandin E may have the ability to suppress cytokine responsiveness. We examined the effects of prostaglandin E administration on several parameters of acute and chronic liver injury induced by bile duct ligation. Enisoprost, a prostaglandin E1 analog, was found to suppress early hepatic and Ito cell type I collagen gene expression without‐diminishing the induction of the fibrogenic cytokine transforming growth factor‐β.

Regulation of glycogen phosphorylase activity in isolated human hepatocytes

Stefaan Keppens, Ann Vandekerckhove, Han Moshage, Sing Hiem Yap, Raymond Aerts, Henri de Wulf – 1 April 1993 – Hepatocytes were isolated from human liver tissue by a two‐step perfusion technique. They were treated with vasopressin, angiotensin, ATP and phenylephrine, which are known to be Ca2+‐mediated glycogenolytic agents in rat liver tissue, and as a control, they were treated with the cyclic AMP–mediated hormones glucagon and isoproterenol. All agonists induce a timedependent activation of glycogen phosphorytase.

Compression of the common bile duct due to portal‐vein thrombosis in polycythemia vera

J. Matthias Löhr, Stefan Kuchenreuter, Hans Grebmeier, Eckhardt G. Hahn, Wolfgang E. Fleig – 1 April 1993 – The case of a 56‐yr‐old patient with polycythemia vera who was initially seen with jaundice is reported. Compression of the common bile duct by choledochal varices was found to be the cause of the obstructive jaundice. This compression was successfully treated with placement of a plastic endoprosthesis across the stenosis during endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography. The significance of choledochal varices in the evaluation of obstructive jaundice is emphasized.

DNA image cytometric analysis of macroregenerative nodules (adenomatous hyperplasia) of the liver: Evidence in support of their preneoplastic nature

Giulia Orsatti, Neil D. Theise, Swan N. Thung, Fiorenzo Paronetto – 1 April 1993 – Twenty‐eight macroregenerative nodules from 14 cirrhotic patients who underwent orthotopic liver transplantation were evaluated for DNA ploidy by means of image analysis of Feulgen‐stained tissue sections. The lesions were classified as type 1 (16 cases) or type 2 (12 cases) on the basis of the absence or presence of cellular or architectural atypia in the nodules. The surrounding cirrhotic nodules were evaluated for liver cell dysplasia.

Significance of pre‐S region–defective hepatitis B virus that emerged during exacerbation of chronic type B hepatitis

Masahito Minami, Takeshi Okanoue, Etsuro Nakajima, Koichiro Yasui, Keizo Kagawa, Kei Kashima – 1 April 1993 – A defective form of the hepatitis B virus has been found in a patient with chronic type B hepatitis. Sequence analysis of the viral DNA after polymerase chain reaction amplification revealed a 117–base pair deletion (nucleotides 3129–53, subtype adr). This deletion includes the initiation codon of the pre‐S2 region and a newly created in‐frame stop codon in the pre‐S1 region (nucleotide 3055) located 230 base pairs downstream from the pre‐S1 initiation codon.

Bidirectional transport of glutathione in hepatocyte membranes: Does glutathione efflux stimulate organic anion uptake?

Ned Ballatori – 1 April 1993 – We determined the trans effects of extracellular reduced glutathione (GSH) on the rate of efflux of endogenous labeled GSH from freshly isolated rat hepatocytes. The presence of GSH (10 mM) in the medium significantly stimulated the fractional rate of efflux of [35S]GSH from 5.2 to 12.6%/15 min (p < 0.01). This effect was concentration‐dependent, had sigmoid type of kinetics (D50 of 0.32 mM), and was reversible upon removal of external GSH.

Decreased mitochondrial oxidation of fatty acids in pregnant mice: Possible relevance to development of acute fatty liver of pregnancy

Sylvie Grimbert, Bernard Fromenty, Cecile Fisch, Philippe Letteron, Alain Berson, Anne Marie Durand‐Schneider, Gerard Feldmann, Dominique Pessayre – 1 April 1993 – Severe impairment of the β‐oxidation of fatty acids, as a consequence of a single factor or a combination of different causes, leads to microvesicular steatosis of the liver. In an effort to understand the mechanism(s) leading to the development of acute fatty liver of pregnancy in some women, we determined the effects of pregnancy on the mitochondrial oxidation of fatty acids in mice.

Cirrhosis of undefined pathogenesis: Absence of evidence for unknown viruses or autoimmune processes

Martina Greeve, Linda Ferrell, Michael Kim, Connie Combs, John Roberts, Nancy Ascher, Teresa L. Wright – 1 April 1993 – To examine whether unknown viruses or autoimmune processes contribute to the development of cryptogenic liver disease, we studied 48 patients undergoing liver transplantation who had non‐A, non‐B cirrhosis; non‐blood‐borne cirrhosis of unknown etiology; or autoimmune cirrhosis.

Liver cell adenoma at the age of 3 years and transplantation 19 years later after development of carcinoma: A case report

Christine H. Janes, Douglas B. McGill, Jurgen Ludwig, Ruud A. F. Krom – 1 April 1993 – A 3‐yr‐old child underwent biopsy of a nonresectable liver cell adenoma. She was well thereafter, but at the age of 22 yr, she underwent orthotopic liver transplantation because the lesion had grown. The α‐fetoprotein level was 4,300. The specimen showed poorly differentiated hepatocellular carcinoma in a noncirrhotic liver. At this writing, the patient is well 32 mo after transplantation. (HEPATOLOGY 1993;17:583–585.)

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