LiverLearning®: Clinical Research Workshop
With the rising epidemic of NASH and NASH-related end stage liver disease, there is a pressing need to better define the pathogenesis of NASH, identify meaningful biomarkers and effective treatments.
With the rising epidemic of NASH and NASH-related end stage liver disease, there is a pressing need to better define the pathogenesis of NASH, identify meaningful biomarkers and effective treatments.
As HCV therapies now achieve high rates of SVR across a broad spectrum of individuals in patient care, there is a need to consider those HCV-infected persons who are not or may have difficulty accessing care or engaging in HCV therapy. Additionally, aspects related to prevention of reinfection are relevant in these difficult to reach populations. This program is targeting HCV SIG clinicians, public and global health experts as well as patient advocates with the goal of sharing expertise on how to improve the cascade of care in the “difficult to reach” populations.Mark W. Russo Mark W.
A look at both traditional and new chemotherapeutic agents associated with liver injury will help attendees gain a working knowledge of agents that can cause liver injury, how the injury presents, and how to make the diagnosis. This program also offers new insight on the challenges for chemotherapeutic drug development, approval and post-marketing surveillance in the U.S.Jay H. Hoofnagle Jay H.
As the number and type of drugs used to treat pediatric illnesses proliferate, and the push to make new drugs available for children gains speed, understanding how to recognize drug-induced liver injury is increasingly important for pediatric liver providers. This program will focus on challenges and opportunities associated with the diagnosis and management of DILI that are unique to the pediatric population. Clinical presentations include surreptitious elevation of serum aminotransferase levels, acute liver injury with or without acute liver failure, and chronic liver disease.Binita M.
20 October 2017
20 October 2017
20 October 2017
20 October 2017
20 October 2017
20 October 2017