Con: Treating hepatitis C virus With direct‐acting antivirals: Fear not the perceived threat of hepatocellular carcinoma
Neil Mehta, Francis Y. Yao – 11 October 2017
Neil Mehta, Francis Y. Yao – 11 October 2017
Nicolás Goldaracena, Andre Gorgen, Gonzalo Sapisochin – 11 October 2017 – Cholangiocarcinoma (CCA) is the second most common liver cancer, and it is associated with a poor prognosis. CCA can be divided into intrahepatic, hilar, and distal. Despite the subtype, the median survival is 12‐24 months without treatment. Liver transplantation (LT) is recognized worldwide as a curative option for hepatocellular carcinoma. On the other hand, the initial results for LT for CCA were very poor mainly due to a lack of adequate patient selection.
Sangbin Han, Sanghoon Lee, Ju Dong Yang, Michael Douglas Leise, Joong Hyun Ahn, Seonwoo Kim, Kangha Jung, Mi Sook Gwak, Gaab Soo Kim, Justin Sangwook Ko – 11 October 2017 – Platelets interact with tumor cells and promote metastasis. The importance of platelets in posttransplant hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) recurrence is unclear. Thus, we aimed to evaluate the association between preoperative platelet count (PLT) and HCC recurrence after living donor liver transplantation.
Nicolás Goldaracena, Andre Gorgen, Gonzalo Sapisochin – 11 October 2017 – Cholangiocarcinoma (CCA) is the second most common liver cancer, and it is associated with a poor prognosis. CCA can be divided into intrahepatic, hilar, and distal. Despite the subtype, the median survival is 12‐24 months without treatment. Liver transplantation (LT) is recognized worldwide as a curative option for hepatocellular carcinoma. On the other hand, the initial results for LT for CCA were very poor mainly due to a lack of adequate patient selection.
Stevan A. Gonzalez, James F. Trotter – 10 October 2017 – The use of hepatitis C virus (HCV)‐positive organs in liver transplantation (LT) has increased in the era of direct‐acting antiviral therapy. A rising demand for organs, the increased ability to effectively treat HCV infection in the transplant setting, and an unprecedented increase in HCV‐positive donors have all contributed to this trend. A recent abrupt rise in opioid use in the United States has resulted in a surge of injection drug use, transmission of HCV, and opioid‐related overdose deaths.
Adrian G. Murphy, Florin M. Selaru – 10 October 2017
Laurent Ehrlich, Shannon S. Glaser – 10 October 2017
Jie Zhao, Abby Adams, Ben Roberts, Maura O'Neil, Anusha Vittal, Timothy Schmitt, Sean Kumer, Josiah Cox, Zhuan Li, Steven A. Weinman, Irina Tikhanovich – 10 October 2017 – Alcohol is a well‐established risk factor for hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), but the mechanisms by which it promotes liver cancer are not well understood. Several studies have shown that cellular protein arginine methylation is inhibited by alcohol.
Stewart Macdonald, Fausto Andreola, Patrik Bachtiger, Alex Amoros, Marco Pavesi, Rajeshwar Mookerjee, Yu Bao Zheng, Henning Gronbaek, Alexander L. Gerbes, Elsa Sola, Paolo Caraceni, Richard Moreau, Pere Gines, Vicente Arroyo, Rajiv Jalan – 10 October 2017 – The aims of this study were to determine the role of cell death in patients with cirrhosis and acute decompensation (AD) and acute on chronic liver failure (ACLF) using plasma‐based biomarkers.
Kris V. Kowdley, Velimir Luketic, Roger Chapman, Gideon M.