A Transforming Growth Factor‐β and H19 Signaling Axis in Tumor‐Initiating Hepatocytes That Regulates Hepatic Carcinogenesis
Jinqiang Zhang, Chang Han, Nathan Ungerleider, Weina Chen, Kyoungsub Song, Ying Wang, Hyunjoo Kwon, Wenbo Ma, Tong Wu – 16 July 2018 – Functions of transforming growth factor‐β (TGF‐β) in the liver vary depending on specific cell types and their temporal response to TGF‐β during different stages of hepatocarcinogenesis (HCG). Through analysis of tumor tissues from hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) patients, we were able to cluster hepatic epithelial cell‐derived TGF‐β gene signatures in association with distinct clinical prognoses.