Ultrasound for Hepatocellular Carcinoma Surveillance: Still Looking for the Fortune Teller
Friedrich Foerster, Peter R. Galle – 18 July 2018
Friedrich Foerster, Peter R. Galle – 18 July 2018
Michael J. Vinikoor, Edford Sinkala, Belinda Chihota, Annie Kanunga, Gilles Wandeler – 18 July 2018
Olivier Sérée, Mario Altieri, Elodie Guillaume, Rémy De Mil, Thierry Lobbedez, Philip Robinson, Philippe Segol, Ephrem Salamé, Armand Abergel, Olivier Boillot, Filomena Conti, Olivier Chazouillères, Maryline Debette‐Gratien, Dominique Debray, Géraldine Hery, Sébastien Dharancy, François Durand, Christophe Duvoux, Claire Francoz, Jean Gugenheim, Jean Hardwigsen, Pauline Houssel‐Debry, Emmanuel Jacquemin, Nassim Kamar, Marianne Latournerie, Pascal Lebray, Vincent Leroy, Alessandra Mazzola, Martine Neau‐Cransac, Georges‐Philippe Pageaux, Sylvie Radenne, Faouzi Saliba, Didier Samuel, Claire Van
Choon Hyuck David Kwon, Gyu‐Seong Choi, Jong Man Kim, Chan Woo Cho, Jinsoo Rhu, Gaab Soo Kim, Dong Hyun Sinn, Jae‐Won Joh – 18 July 2018 – Even after 2 decades of experience in laparoscopic hepatectomy, data on purely laparoscopic approach for donor hepatectomy in adult living donor liver transplantation (LDLT) are limited. We report our initial experience of a purely laparoscopic approach for donor hepatectomy for adult recipients to explore its potential application in the management of donors.
Eva Román, Cristina Gely, Montse Flavià, Maria Poca, Edilmar Alvarado, Víctor Vargas, Carlos Guarner, Germán Soriano – 17 July 2018
Xueqiong Zhou, Ying Wen, Ye Tian, Meiling He, Xiangyu Ke, Zhizhou Huang, Yangfan He, Lixia Liu, Annette Scharf, Meiting Lu, Guowei Zhang, Yaotang Deng, Yuxia Yan, Matthias P. Mayer, Xuemei Chen, Fei Zou – 17 July 2018 – B‐cell lymphoma 2 (Bcl‐2)‐associated transcription factor 1 (Bclaf1) is known to be involved in diverse biological processes, but, to date, there has been no evidence for any functional role of Bclaf1 in hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) progression.
17 July 2018
Patrick J. Navin, Moira B. Hilscher, Christopher L. Welle, Taofic Mounajjed, Michael S. Torbenson, Patrick S. Kamath, Sudhakar K. Venkatesh – 17 July 2018
Yoosoo Chang, Yong Kyun Cho, Yejin Kim, Eunju Sung, Jiin Ahn, Hyun‐Suk Jung, Kyung Eun Yun, Hocheol Shin, Seungho Ryu – 17 July 2018 – The effect of modest alcohol consumption on fibrosis progression in the general population with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) remains unclear. We examined the association of nonheavy alcohol consumption with worsening of noninvasive fibrosis indices in a large‐scale, low‐risk population with NAFLD. A cohort study was performed in 58,927 Korean adults with NAFLD and low fibrosis scores who were followed for a median of 4.9 years.