Cholemic Nephropathy Causes Acute Kidney Injury and Is Accompanied by Loss of Aquaporin 2 in Collecting Ducts
Jan Hinrich Bräsen, Young‐Seon Mederacke, Jessica Schmitz, Kateryna Diahovets, Abedalrazag Khalifa, Björn Hartleben, Fermín Person, Thorsten Wiech, Eric Steenbergen, Anika Großhennig, Michael P. Manns, Roland Schmitt, Ingmar Mederacke – 11 January 2019 – Impairment of renal function often occurs in patients with liver disease. Hepatorenal syndrome is a significant cause of acute kidney injury (AKI) in patients with cirrhosis (HRS‐AKI, type 1). Causes of non‐HRS‐AKI include cholemic nephropathy (CN), a disease that is characterized by intratubular bile casts and tubular injury.