Endocrine mechanisms for the formation of sex‐related differences in hepatic estrogen receptor content and their significance for the realization of an estrogen effect on angiotensinogen blood level in rats

Lidia L. Ignatenko, Guranda D. Mataradze, Victor B. Rozen – 1 June 1992 – The use of a modified, adequate method of quantification of estrogen receptors has permitted us to prove the existence of sex‐specific peculiarities in rat liver estrogen reception and their significance for the realization of sex‐dependent changes in angiotensinogen plasma level after estrogenization. Endocrine mechanisms for the formation of sex‐related differences in hepatic estrogen receptor content in rats were investigated in detail.

Effects of vasopressor agents and epoprostenol on systemic hemodynamics and oxygen transport in fulminant hepatic failure

Julia A. Wendon, Phillip M. Harrison, Richard Keays, Alexander E. Gimsson, Graeme J. M. Alexander, Roger Williams – 1 June 1992 – Hypotension is a serious complication in patients with fulminant hepatic failure, because it is associated with tissue hypoxia and a further compromise to end‐organ function. In this study we investigated the effects of epinephrine and norepinephrine on hemodynamics and oxygen transport variables in 30 patients with fulminant hepatic failure. All had a mean arterial pressure of less than 60 mm Hg, despite adequate intravascular filling pressures.

Long‐term follow‐up of patients with chronic hepatitis C treated with α‐interferon

Michiko Shindo, Adrian M. di Bisceglie, Jay H. Hoofnagle – 1 June 1992 – We reanalyzed the results of a pilot study of recombinant α‐interferon therapy for chronic non‐A, non‐B hepatitis in light of the recent discovery of the hepatitis C virus and the development of diagnostic assays for this agent. Stored serum samples from 10 patients treated between 1984 and 1986 were tested for antibody to hepatitis C virus and hepatitis C virus RNA before, during and after therapy.

Total effective vascular compliance in patients with cirrhosis: A study of the response to acute blood volume expansion

Antoine Hadengue, Richard Moreau, Christophe Gaudin, Yannick Bacq, Bruno Champigneulle, Didier Lebrec – 1 May 1992 – Although arterial vasodilation is a well‐known feature in patients with cirrhosis, the venous system remains unexplored. To measure total effective vascular compliance, a reflection of the properties of the venous system, rapid volume expansion (300 ml of a gelatin solution in 3 min) was performed in 23 patients. Eleven patients had compensated cirrhosis (Child‐Pugh grade A or B), and eight had decompensated cirrhosis (Child‐Pugh grade C).

Cholesterol nucleation time in gallbladder bile of patients with solitary or multiple cholesterol gallstones

Dieter Jüngst, Thomas Lang, Christoph von Ritter, Ekkehard Pratschke, Gustav Paumgartner – 1 May 1992 – Patients with multiple cholesterol gallbladder stones have been found to be at a higher risk for the recurrence of gallstones after successful nonsurgical treatment than those with a solitary stone. Cholesterol gallstone recurrence, like primary gallstone formation, probably involves a triple defect with supersaturation, abnormally rapid nucleation of cholesterol in bile and altered gallbladder motor function.

Sequence of exons and the flanking regions of human bilirubin‐UDP‐glucuronosyltransferase gene complex and identification of a genetic mutation in a patient with Crigler‐Najjar syndrome, type I

Piter J. Bosma, Namita Roy Chowdhury, Bart G. Goldhoorn, Martin H. Hofker, Ronald P. J. Oude Elferink, Peter L. M. Jansen, Jayanta Roy Chowdhury – 1 May 1992 – Crigler‐Najjar syndrome, type I is a heterogeneous disorder that may result from mutations of various regions of the bilirubin‐UDP‐glucuronosyltransferase gene complex that encodes two bilirubin‐UDP‐glucuronosyltransferase isoforms and a phenol‐UDP‐glucuronosyltransferase isoform in the human liver.

Mirex‐induced adaptive liver growth in rats subjected to thyroidectomy

James D. Yarbrough, Jo M. Grimley, Jaideep V. Thottassery – 1 May 1992 – The organochlorine compound mirex (dodecachlorooctahydro‐1,3,4‐metheno‐2H‐cyclobuta‐CD‐pentalene) induces an adaptive liver growth dependent on the hormonal status of the experimental animal. In the intact laboratory rat, mirex induces liver growth that is an expression of both cellular hyperplasia and hypertrophy. However, in rats subjected to adrenalectomy, mirex induces liver growth that is essentially hyperplastic.

Changes in bilirubin pigments secreted in bile after liver transplantation

Carl A. Goresky, Ellen R. Gordon, Juan‐Ramon Sanabria, Steven M. Strasberg, M. Wayne Flye – 1 May 1992 – The species of bile pigments secreted in T‐tube fistula bile after liver transplantation were ascertained by high‐performance liquid chromatography in 15 patients for 10 days after liver transplant. Nine glycosidic conjugates and unconjugated bilirubin were resolved by the analytical procedure.

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