Vasoactive effects of bile salts in cirrhotic rats: In vivo and In vitro studies

Jung‐Min Pak, Samuel S. Lee – 1 November 1993 – To clarify a possible pathogenic role for bile salts in the hyperdynamic circulation of cirrhosis, we studied the vasoactive effects of three different bile salts–tauroursodeoxycholic acid, taurochenodeoxycholic acid and taurodeoxycholic acid–in cirrhotic rats. Cirrhosis was induced with bile duct ligation; controls underwent sham surgery. In vivo, the bile salts were intravenously infused at one of three doses (1.2 × 10−7, 1.2 × 10−6 and 6.0 × 10−5 mol · 100 gm−1 · min−1) for 5 min.

Preoperative measurement of segmental liver volume of donors for living related liver transplantation

Seiji Kawasaki, Masatoshi Makuuchi, Hidetoshi Matsunami, Yasuhiko Hashikura, Toshihiko Ikegami, Hisanao Chisuwa, Tatsuo Ikeno, Terumasa Noike, Tadatoshi Takayama, Hideo Kawarazaki – 1 November 1993 – Segmental liver volume determination by computed tomographic scan was carried out preoperatively in nine donors for living related liver transplantation. The calculated volume was compared with the graft size actually obtained by three types of donor hepatectomy. The volume of the left lateral segment (175 to 241 ml) and the left lobe (310 to 490 ml) varied markedly among the donors.

Peripheral‐blood mononuclear cell responses to recombinant hepatitis C virus antigens in patients with chronic hepatitis C

Haim Schupper, Paul Hayashi, James Scheffel, Sherri Acettuno, Teresa Paglieroni, Paul V. Holland, Jerome B. Zeldis – 1 November 1993 – Peripheral blood mononuclear cell proliferative responses in vitro to recombinant yeast or Escherichia coli hepatitis C virus fusion proteins were evaluated in 20 patients with chronic hepatitis C who were reactive for antibody to hepatitis C virus (on enzyme immunoassay, version 2.0, and a four‐antigen recombinant immunoblot assay). Twenty age‐matched, healthy individuals negative for antibody to hepatitis C virus were used as a control group.

Regulation of human liver cytochromes P‐450 in family 3A in primary and continuous culture of human hepatocytes

Erin G. Schuetz, John D. Schuetz, Stephen C. Strom, Melissa T. Thompson, Robert A. Fisher, David T. Molowa, Donna Li, Philip S. Guzelian – 1 November 1993 – The cytochrome P‐450 3A gene family comprises the dominant forms of cytochrome P‐450 found in human liver.

Primary sclerosing cholangitis and Hodgkin's disease

Kevin M. Man, Anne Drejet, Emmet B. Keeffe, Richard Garcia‐Kennedy, Joanne C. Imperial, Carlos O. Esquivel – 1 November 1993 – Three patients with primary sclerosing cholangitis and Hodgkin's disease, a previously unrecognized association, are reported. All three patients were men, and one patient had Crohn's disease of the colon. Primary sclerosing cholangitis was diagnosed 2, 11 and 17 yr before diagnosis of Hodgkin's disease in the three patients, and all three had advanced biliary cirrhosis prompting referral for liver transplantation.

Oxygen free radical production mediated by cocaine and its ethanol‐derived metabolite, cocaethylene, in rat hepatocytes

Urs A. Boelsterli, Armin Wolf, Christian Göldlin – 1 November 1993 – Cocaine ethyl ester (“cocaethylene”) is a cocaine metabolite formed by hepatic carboxylesterases in the presence of ethanol. In the human liver, this pharmacologically active cocaine analog may reach concentrations similar to those of cocaine.

Experimental evidence that the physiological position of the liver within the circulation is not a major determinant of zonation of gene expression

Gerry T. M. Wagenaar, Robert A. F. M. Chamuleau, Jan G. de Haan, Martinus A. W. Maas, Piet A. J. de Boer, Frans Marx, Antoon F. M. Moorman, Wilma M. Frederiks, Wouter H. Lamers – 1 November 1993 – Many enzymes are distributed heterogeneously within the liver lobule. The factors that play a determining role in the establishment and maintenance of these heterogeneous expression patterns have not yet been identified.

Treatment of small hepatocellular carcinoma in cirrhotic patients: A cohort study comparing surgical resection and percutaneous ethanol injection

Antoni Castells, Jordi Bruix, Concepció Bru, Josep Fuster, Ramon Vilana, Miquel Navasa, Carmen Ayuso, Loreto Boix, Josep Visa, Joan Rodés – 1 November 1993 – This study was intended to compare the survival rates of two contemporary cohorts of patients with solitary hepatocellular carcinomas ≤ 4 cm subjected to surgical resection (n = 33) or percutaneous ethanol injection (n = 30). Outcomes in a third cohort, 21 patients with hepatocellular carcinoma who underwent orthotopic liver transplantation, were also assessed.

Reduction of variceal pressure by propranolol: Comparison of the effects on portal pressure and azygos blood flow in patients with cirrhosis

Faust Feu, Josep María Bordas, Angelo Luca, Joan Carles García‐Pagán, Angels Escorsell, Jaume Bosch, Joan Rodes – 1 November 1993 – This study investigated the correlation between changes in hepatic hemodynamics and esophageal variceal pressure–measured with a noninvasive, pressure‐sensitive endoscopic gauge–in 37 portal‐hypertensive cirrhotic patients receiving propranolol (0.15 mg/kg, intravenously; n = 21) or placebo (n = 16) under strict double‐blind conditions. Placebo administration had no effect on hepatic venous pressure gradient, azygos blood flow or variceal pressure.

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