Histological evidence for recurrence of primary biliary cirrhosis after liver transplantation

Vijayan Balan, Kennetii P. Batts, Michael K. Porayko, Ruud A. F. Krom, Jurgen Ludwig, Russell H. Wiesner – 1 December 1993 – Whether primary biliary cirrhosis recurs after orthotopic liver transplantation remains a controversial issue. Sixty consecutive patients with primary biliary cirrhosis with at least 1 yr of follow‐up after liver transplantation were studied. All patients were treated with triple‐drug immunosuppression (cyclospoine, prednisone, azathioprine).

Preneoplastic significance of hepatic iron–free foci in genetic hemochromatosis: A study of 185 patients

Yves M. Deugnier, Paul Charalambous, Daniéle Le Quilleuc, Bruno Turlin, Jeffrey Searle, Pierre Brissot, Lawrie W. Powell, June W. Halliday – 1 December 1993 – Sublobular nodules of hepatocytes free of iron or exhibiting much less iron than the surrounding parenchyma, referred to in this study as iron‐free‐foci, are frequently found in the livers of patients with genetic hemochromatosis complicated by hepatocellular carcinoma.

A new bile acid transporter?

Winita Hardikar, Frederick J. Suchy – 1 November 1993 – Transport systems involved in uptake and biliary secretion of bile salts have been extensively studied in rat liver; however, little is known about these systems in the human liver. In this study, we investigated taurocholate (TC) transport in canalicular and basolateral plasma membrane vesicles isolated from 15 human livers (donor age 6–64 yr). ATP stimulated the uptake of TC into both canalicular and basolateral human liver plasma membrane vesicles (cLPM and bILPM, respectively).

Modulators of the protein kinase C system influence biliary excretion of cationic drugs

Herman Steen, Hans Smit, Almar Nijholt, Marjolijn Merema, Dirk K. F. Meijer – 1 November 1993 – To investigate whether hepatobiliary transport of organic cations is under regulatory control, we studied transport of tri‐n‐butylmethylammonium in the isolated perfused rat liver and in isolated rat hepatocytes. Transport was investigated in the presence of modulators of the protein kinase C and the cyclic AMP second‐messenger system.

Bile acid–induced modifications in DNA synthesis by the regenerating perfused rat liver

Jose J. G. Marin, Emilio R. Barbero, Maria C. Herrera, Arantxa Tabernero, Maria J. Monte – 1 November 1993 – Liver cell proliferation is a complex process that can be affected by a large number of factors such as bile acids, which have been reported to be associated to the pathogenesis of liver cancer. In this work, bile acid–induced modifications in DNA synthesis by regenerating perfused rat liver were investigated. Two‐thirds hepatectomy was carried out 24 hr before perfusion of livers with recirculating, erythrocyte‐free Krebs‐Henseleit solution.

True transport: One or more sodium‐dependent bile acid transporters?

Roger Lester, Piotr Zimniak – 1 November 1993 – Sodium‐dependent bile acid transport is a well‐established function of the sinusoidal segment of the hepatocyte plasma membrane. Evidence has been provided previously by the authors for the existence of a putative sinusoidal plasma membrane sodium‐dependent bile acid transporter with a mass of 49 kD. This protein has been partially characterized with a monoclonal antibody and by reconstitution in proteoliposomes. Further characterization is provided in the paper under discussion.

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