Differential impact of carolina rinse and university of wisconsin solutions on microcirculation, leukocyte adhesion, kupffer cell activity and biliary excretion after liver transplantation

Stefan Post, Pablo Palma, Markus Rentsch, Alberto P. Gonzalez, Michael D. Menger – 1 December 1993 – This quantitative in vivo fluorescence microscopy study investigated the relative impact of an optimized rinse solution (warm Carolina rinse) and that of an established storage solution (University of Wisconsin solution) on various pathomechanisms of hepatic reperfusion injury after cold storage. Syngeneic orthotopic, arterialized liver transplantation was performed in male Lewis rats after 24 hr of cold ischemia (n = 24).

Production of chemotactic factor, interleukin‐8, from hepatocytes exposed to ethanol

Yasushi Shiratori, Hiroshi Takada, Yohko Hikiba, Ryo Nakata, Ken'Ichi Okano, Yutaka Komatsu, Yasuro Niwa, Masayuki Matsumura, Shuichiro Shiina, Masao Omata, Kazuo Kamii – 1 December 1993 – In a previous paper, we demonstrated proteinous chemotactic factors released from hepatocytes exposed to ethanol. In this study, we further characterized the chemotactic factors released from ethanoltreated hepatocytes. After fractionating the conditioned medium with gel chromatography, we demonstrated chemotactic activity at molecular weights of around 20 and 40 kD.

Viral pathogenesis of hepatocellular carcinoma in the United States

T. Jake Liang, Lennox J. Jeffers, K. Rajender Reddy, Maria De Medina, I. Talley Parker, Hugo Cheinquer, Victor Idrovo, Alfredo Rabassa, Eugene R. Schiff – 1 December 1993 – Chronic hepatitis B virus infection is closely associated with the development of hepatocellular carcinoma, which is a major cause of cancer death worldwide. Recent studies have implicated hepatitis C virus infection as a major pathogenic agent of HBsAg‐negative hepatocellular carcinoma.

Cholesterol carriers in human bile: Are “lamellae” involved?

David E. Cohen, Eric W. Kaler, Martin C. Carey – 1 December 1993 – Cholesterol, a highly insoluble molecule, is transported in bile by specialized lipid aggregates. On the basis of extensive correlations between laboratory‐prepared model biles and surgically harvested native biles, it has become generally accepted that biliary cholesterol is solubilized by simple and mixed micelles, single bilayered (unilamellar) vesicles and, under certain conditions, multilamellar vesicles (liposomes or liquid crystals) all composed of bile salts, lecithin and cholesterol in different proportions.

Regulation of tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases‐1 gene expression by cytokines and dexamethasone in rat hepatocyte primary cultures

Elke Roeb, Lutz Graeve, Rolf Hoffmann, Karl Decker, Dylan R. Edwards, Peter C. Heinrich – 1 December 1993 – The steady‐state levels of extracellular matrix proteins are regulated by the rates of their synthesis and degradation. Metalloproteinases and their specific inhibitors, tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases‐1 and ‐2 are believed to play a crucial role in extracellular matrix protein degradation. Here we show that the tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases‐1 is expressed in rat hepatocytes in primary culture and regulated by inflammatory cytokines.

Interferon‐α2b therapy reduces liver fibrosis in chronic non‐A, non‐B hepatitis: A quantitative histological evaluation

Noboru Manabe, Michèle Chevallier, Philippe Chossegros, Xavier Causse, Sylviane Guerret, Christian Trépo, Jean‐Alexis Grimaud – 1 December 1993 – The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of interferon‐α on liver fibrosis with an established quantitative histochemical method for determining collagen as a marker. 59 patients (31 men, 28 women; 47 ± 14 yr) with chronic non‐A, non‐B hepatitis (92% with hepatitis C virus antibody) received subcutaneous injections of 3 or 1 MU recombinant interferon‐α2b or placebo thrice weekly for 24 wk.

Evidence for neurological dysfunction in end‐stage protoporphyric liver disease

Jeffrey M. Rank, Robert Carithers, Joseph Bloomer – 1 December 1993 – Protoporphyria is a genetic disorder characterized by a defect in the enzyme ferrochelatase, which catalyzes the chelation of iron to protoporphyrin. This causes excessive accumulation and excretion of protoporphyrin. The predominant clinical feature is photosensitivity. Progressive and fatal liver disease occurs in a small percentage of cases.

Erythropoietin production in hepatocellular carcinoma cells associated with polycythemia: Immunohistochemical evidence

Shotaro Sakisaka, Masahide Watanabe, Hideo Tateishi, Masaru Harada, Satoshi Shakado, Yoshihiro Mimura, Kazuhisa Gondo, Masao Yoshitake, Kazunori Noguchi, Teruko Hino, Ryuichi Nohno, Yasuo Majima, Kenji Hirai, Michio Sata, Hiroshi Yoshida, Kyuichi Tanikawa – 1 December 1993 – Patients with hepatocellular carcinoma sometimes have erythrocytosis and high plasma erythropoietin levels. However, previous studies have not revealed direct evidence that the carcinoma cells produce the erythropoietin.

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