Hepatitis B infection and liver transplantation: The art of the possible
Anton Chekhov, Michael R. Lucey – 1 January 1994
Anton Chekhov, Michael R. Lucey – 1 January 1994
Francis Schneider, Philippe Lutun, Karim Boudjema, Philippe Wolf, Jean‐Daniel Tempé – 1 January 1994 – Nitric oxide and atrial natriuretic peptides are the main activators of guanylyl cyclases, which transform ITP into cyclic GMP and thereby contribute to the decrease of vascular tone.
Koteswara R. Chintalacharuvu, Anthony S. Tavill, Loizos N. Louis, Jean‐Pierre Vaerman, Michael E. Lamm, Charlotte S. Kaetzel – 1 January 1994 – The polymeric immunoglobulin receptor on rat hepatocytes binds dimeric IgA on the sinusoidal surface and mediates its transport to the canaliculus, where the complex of dimeric IgA and secretory component, the cleaved extracellular domain of polymeric immunoglobulin receptor, is secreted into bile.
Giulio Diodati, Paola Bonetti, Franco Noventa, Carla Casarin, Massimo Rugge, Sergio Scaccabarozzi, Alessandro Tagger, Lucio Pollice, Federico Tremolada, Cristina Davite, Giuseppe Realdi, Arturo Ruol – 1 January 1994 – Sixty consecutive patients with chronic hepatitis C were included in a randomized controlled trial of recombinant human interferon‐α2a vs. no treatment. Treated patients received tapering doses of interferon thrice weekly for 1 yr.
Jeffrey D. Rothstein – 1 January 1994
Robert G. Lamb, John C. Koch, Jack W. Snyder, Shiva M. Huband, Suzanne R. Bush – 1 January 1994 – Primary cultures of adult rat hepatocytes were incubated (6 to 96 hr) with 50 to 150 mmol/L ethanol, 0.5 mmol/L linoleate, 0.5 mmol/L palmitate, 0.5 mmol/L 4‐methylpyrazole, 0 to 25 μmol/L vitamin E phosphate or selected combinations of these agents.
Judy A. Spitzer – 1 January 1994 – Some disease processes in which increased endotoxin and cytokine levels exist (e.g., sepsis and infantile diarrhea) are also associated with increased levels of blood nitrates, the stable and products of nitric oxide. Available evidence suggests that the effects of an endotoxic environment, with its attendant complex cytokine networks, on liver function are mediated in part by modulation of hepatic nitric oxide synthesis.
Michael Neubrand, Joseph Holl, Michael Sackmann, Ulrich Klüppelberg, Jürgen Pauletzki, Gustav Paumgartner, Tilman Sauerbruch – 1 January 1994 – We conducted a prospective randomized study in gallstone patients to determine whether a combination of extracorporeal shock‐wave lithotripsy and subsequent dissolution with methyl tert‐butyl ether increases the success rate of methyl tert‐butyl ether dissolution and shortens treatment time compared with monotherapy with methyl tert‐butyl ether. Fifty patients were randomized into two groups.
Patrick Marcellin, Didier Samuel, Jorge Areias, Marie‐Anne Loriot, Jean‐Louis Arulnaden, Michèle Gigou, Marie‐FrançOise David, Alain Bismuth, Michel Reynes, Christian Bréchot, Jean‐Pierre Benhamou, Henri Bismuth – 1 January 1994 – Orthotopic liver transplantation in patients with hepatitis B–related cirrhosis is commonly complicated by reinfection with the hepatitis B virus, with rapidly progressive liver disease and poor survival rate. We assessed the efficacy of prior therapy with recombinant interferon‐α on the prevention of posttransplantation hepatitis B virus reinfection.
D. Azoulay, D. Castaing, A. Dennison, W. Martino, D. Eyraud, H. Bismuth – 1 January 1994 – The aim of this prospective nonrandomized study was to assess the immediate and short‐term sequelae of transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunting on the circulatory hyperdynamic state of the cirrhotic patient. Twelve transjugular portosystemic shunting procedures were performed in 12 cirrhotic patients for sclerotherapy failure (10 cases) and/or intractable ascites (4 cases). Self‐expandable stents 10 mm in diameter were used in all cases.