Factors predictive of response to interferon‐α therapy in hepatitis C virus infection

Akihito Tsubota, Kazuaki Chayama, Kenji Ikeda, Arase Yasuji, Isao Koida, Satoshi Saitoh, Michiyo Hashimoto, Satomi Iwasaki, Mariko Kobayashi, Kumada Hiromitsu – 1 May 1994 – To determine the patient‐dependent and virus‐related factors that may predict sustained response to interferon‐α therapy, we prospectively evaluated 60 consecutive patients with chronic hepatitis C who received a standardized treatment schedule of interferon‐α.

Stimulation of collagen α1(I) gene expression is associated with lipid peroxidation in hepatocellular injury: A link to tissue fibrosis?

Pierre Bedossa, Karl Houglum, Christian Trautwein, Axel Holstege, Mario Chojkier – 1 May 1994 – We have shown that lipid peroxidation stimulates collagen α1(I) gene transcription in cultured cells. Because increased lipid peroxidation and collagen production coexist in many hepatic disorders, including experimental carbon tetrachloride intoxication, we investigated whether lipid peroxidation modulates collagen gene expression in rats treated with carbon tetrachloride.

The fate of intravenously injected endotoxin in normal rats and in rats with liver failure

Akimasa Nakao, Shigemi Taki, Motoshi Yasui, Yasunori Kimura, Toshiaki Nonami, Akio Harada, Hiroshi Takagi – 1 May 1994 – The elimination of endotoxin from the blood was studied in rats with D‐galactosamine–induced liver failure and in normal controls after intravenous injection of various doses of endotoxin. Endotoxin was found to localize in liver tissue by immunohistochemical staining with factor C, which is derived from amebocyte lysate of the horseshoe crab and which reacts specifically with endotoxin.

Nuclear ploidy of normal and neoplastic hepatocytes from woodchuck hepatitis virus–infected and uninfected woodchucks

John M. Cullen, David W. Linzey, Douglas H. Gebhard – 1 May 1994 – Flow cytometric analysis of the ploidy of normal and neoplastic hepatocyte nuclei obtained from adult woodchucks, a model of human hepadnavirus‐induced hepatocellular carcinoma, was performed. All 36 samples of nuclei from non‐neoplastic liver from woodchuck hepatitis virus–infected or uninfected liver were diploid, indicating that age‐related nuclear polyploidization does not occur in this species, unlike other rodents.

A multicenter study on the prognosis of fulminant viral hepatitis: Early prediction for liver transplantation

Yoshiyata Takahashi, Hiromitsu Kumada, Masaru Shimizu, Kyuichi Tanikawa, Ryukichi Kumashiro, Masao Omata, Toshiki Ehata, Takao Tsuji, Minoru Ukida, Mitsuru Yasunaga, Kiwamu Okita, Shunichi Sato, Toshihiko Takeuchi, Katsuhiko Tsukada, Hiroshi Obata, Etsuko Hashimoto, Yasuyuki Ohta, Kouji Tada, Yoshitane Kosaka, Koujiro Takase, Makoto Yoshiba, Kazuhiko Sekiyama, Takashi Kano, Yasuhiro Mizoguchi – 1 May 1994 – To determine the risk of death at an early stage of fulminant viral hepatitis, we created severity indexes drawn from clinical data on the day of development of encephalopathy in 128 pat

Strong transient expression of the type I interferon–induced MxA protein in hepatitis A but not in acute hepatitis B and C

Detlef Jakschies, Reinhardt Zachoval, Rainer Müller, Michael Manns, Klaus‐Ulrich Nolte, Heinz‐Kurt Hochkeppel, Michel‐Andre Horisberger, Helmuth Deicher, Peter Von Wussow – 1 April 1994 – The human MxA protein is a new specific marker for type I interferon activity both in vitro and in vivo.

Hold that needle: Octreotide for acute variceal hemorrhage

William N. Katkov – 1 April 1994 – To compare octreotide with injection sclerotherapy in the treatment of acute variceal hemorrhage, patients admitted with gastrointestinal bleeding and oesophageal varices confirmed by endoscopy were randomised to receive either emergency sclerotherapy with 3% sodium tetradecyl sulphate or octreotide (50 μg intravenous bolus plus 50 μg per hr intravenous infusion for 48 hr). At the end of the study period (48 hr), the octreotide group also had sclerotherapy to obliterate the varices.

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