M13 bacteriophage DNA inhibits duck hepatitis B virus during acute infection

Akira Iizuka, Tatsuro Watanabe, Toshiyuki Kubo, Masahiro Yamamoto, Kazuo Ogawa, Tetsuo Ohkuma, Akira Kaji – 1 May 1994 – We investigated effects of various DNAs on duck hepatitis B virus replication in vivo. One‐day‐old ducks were infected intravenously with DHBV. Various DNAs were then injected intravenously, and duck hepatitis B virus levels were followed for up to 20 days after the inoculation.

Rat liver epithelial cells: When it comes to differentiation, there's no place like home

Douglas C. Hixson, Ronald A. Faris – 1 May 1994 – Following intrahepatic transplantation in adult syngeneic Fischer 344 rats, diploid cultured rat liver epithelial cells (WB‐F344), modified to carry the Eschericia coli β‐galactosidase reporter gene and/or the fluorescent membrane dye PKH26‐GL, integrate into hepatic plates and acquire the size and nuclear structure of mature hepatocytes.

Transcriptional rate and steady‐state changes of retinoblastoma mRNA in regenerating rat liver

Betsy T. Kren, Amy L. Teel, Clifford J. Steer – 1 May 1994 – This study characterizes the mRNA expression of the retinoblastoma tumor suppressor gene in regenerating rat liver during 96 hr after 70% partial hepatectomy. A 960‐bp Bg1II‐OxaNI fragment of murine retinoblastoma cDNA was used to probe Northern blots of poly(A)+‐enriched RNA isolated from regenerating liver. Two species of retinoblastoma mRNA, 2.8 kb and 4.7 kb long, were identified in control liver and exhibited an intensity ratio of 5:1, respectively.

The immunostimulant OK‐432 enhances liver regeneration after 90% hepatectomy in rats

Kazuya Kato, Minoru Matsuda, Mitsuo Kusano, Kazuhiko Onodera, Junji Kato, Shinichi Kasai, Michio Mito, W. John B. Hodgson – 1 May 1994 – The effect of reticuloendothelial system activation on liver regeneration after 90% hepatectomy was investigated. OK‐432, a killed streptococcal preparation that increases reticuloendothelial system activity, was administered to rats before 90% partial hepatectomy. Pretreated rats showed marked improvement in long‐term survival: 87% (18 of 23) survived beyond 42 hr, compared with only 44.2% (24 of 52) of controls (p<0.05).

Inhibition of procoagulant activity of human monocytes by chenodeoxycholic acid: Involvement of protein kinase C

Philippe Podevin, Yvon Calmus, Annie Robert, Raoul Poupon, Gisele Cherqui – 1 May 1994 – Endogenous bile acids such as chenodeoxycholic acid have been shown to display a suppressive effect in vitro on mononuclear cell activation. We investigated the signal transduction pathway involved in the effect of chenodeoxycholic acid on monocyte procoagulant activity, a model of monocyte activation.

Acute hepatic and renal toxicity from low doses of acetaminophen in the absence of alcohol abuse or malnutrition: Evidence for increased susceptibility to drug toxicity due to cardiopulmonary and renal insufficiency

Herbert L. Bonkovsky, Robert E. Kane, Dean P. Jones, Raymond E. Galinsky, Barbara Banner – 1 May 1994 – A 67‐yr‐old man with chronic cardiopulmonary disease exhibited severe hepatic and moderately severe renal injury after short‐term ingestion of therapeutic doses of acetaminophen (1 to 3 gm/day for 3 days).

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