Effects of ethanol feeding on liver, kidney and jejunal membranes of micropigs

Jesús Villanueva, Carol J. Chandler, Nell Shimasaki, Anna B. Tang, Manabu Nakamura, Stephen D. Phinney, Charles H. Halsted – 1 May 1994 – The micropig model of chronic alcoholism was used to study the relationship of lipid composition and physical properties in three different tissue membranes from the same animals. Ethanol feeding reduced membrane anisotropy, as measured with the diphenylhexatriene probe, in liver plasma and kidney brush‐border membranes but not in jejunal brushborder membranes.

Venoocclusive disease of the liver after marrow transplantation: Histological correlates of clinical signs and symptoms

Howard M. Shulman, Lloyd B. Fisher, H. Gary Schoch, Kevin W. Henne, George B. McDonald – 1 May 1994 – We evaluated the relationship between the signs and symptoms of the clinical syndrome called venocclusive disease of the liver after bone marrow transplantation and the histological findings in 76 patients who later came to autopsy. Coded necropsy liver was scored for individual histological features that were correlated with prospectively assessed clinical features that the patients had exhibited during life.

Transarterial oily chemoembolization for the treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma: A multivariate analysis of prognostic factors

Luca Mondazzi, Riccardo Bottelli, Giorgio Brambilla, Antonio Rampoldi, Indira Rezakovic, Claudio Zavaglia, Alberto Alberti, Gaetano Idèo – 1 May 1994 – A total of 84 patients with hepatocellular carcinoma and cirrhosis were analyzed retrospectively to investigate prognostic factors. All patients received transarterial oily chemoembolization as the only anticancer therapy. The follow‐up range was 1 to 39 mo (median, 9.5 mo). The overall actuarial survival rates at 12, 24 and 30 mo were 62%, 31% and 24%, respectively.

A proposed system for the nomenclature of hepatitis C viral genotypes

Peter Simmonds, Alfredo Alberti, Harvey J. Alter, Ferruccio Bonino, Daniel W. Bradley, Christian Brechot, Johannes T. Brouwer, Shiu‐Wan Chan, Kazuaki Chayama, Ding‐Shinn Chen, Qui‐Lim Choo, Massimo Colombo, H. Theo M. Cuypers, Takayasu Date, Geoff M. Dusheiko, Juan I. Esteban, Oscar Fay, S. J. Hadziyannis, Jang Han, Angelos Hatzakis, Eddie C. Holmes, Hak Hotta, Michael Houghton, Bruce Irvine, Michinori Kohara, Janice A. Kolberg, George Kuo, Johnson Y. N. Lau, P. Nico Lelie, Geert Maertens, Fiona McOmish, Tatsuo Miyamura, Masashi Mizokami, Akio Nomoto, Alfred M. Prince, Henk W.

Direct regulation of bile secretion by prostaglandins in perfused rat liver

Karlheinz Beckh, Susanne Kneip, Rudolf Arnold – 1 May 1994 – Prostaglandins have been postulated to act as mediators of intercellular communication between liver cell populations in the regulation of liver carbohydrate metabolism. Their role in the regulation of bile secretion is rather unclear. The action of prostaglandins on bile flow and bile acid secretion was studied in the in situ perfused rat liver. Infusion of prostaglandin F2α resulted in reduction of bile flow and bile acid secretion. In addition, portal flow was diminished and glucose output was increased.

Human hepatoma cells synthesize and secrete lysozyme: Modulation by cytokines

Norbert Köbsel, Giuliano Ramadori – 1 May 1994 – Plasma lysozyme levels are elevated in several different pathological conditions. In our study we show that well differentiated human hepatoma cells Hep3B and HepG2 are active synthesis sites of lysozyme and that this synthesis can be modulated by acute phase mediators. The production and modulation of lysozyme synthesis was studied by means of Northern‐blot analysis, sodium dodecyl sulfate‐polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and a specific bioassay after treatment of the cells with interleukin‐1β, interleukin‐6 and tumor necrosis factor‐α.

Selective uptake of high‐density lipoprotein–associated cholesteryl esters by human hepatocytes in primary culture

Franz Rinninger, May Brundert, Stefan Jäckle, Peter R. Galle, Christoph Busch, Jakob R. Izbicki, Xavier Rogiers, Doris Henne‐Bruns, Bernd Kremer, Christoph E. Broelsch, Heiner Greten – 1 May 1994 – High‐density lipoprotein cholesteryl esters are taken up by many cells without simultaneous uptake of high‐density lipoprotein apolipoproteins. This selective uptake was investigated in human hepatocytes in primary culture.

Effects of low‐sodium diet and spironolactone on portal pressure in patients with compensated cirrhosis

Juan Carlos García‐Pagán, Juan Manuel Salmerón, Faust Feu, Angelo Luca, Pere Ginés, Pilar Pizcueta, Juan Claria, Carlos Piera, Vicente Arroyo, Jaume Bosch, Juan Rodés – 1 May 1994 – The aim of this study was to investigate the hemodynamic effects of spironolactone associated with a low‐sodium diet (n=14) or a low‐sodium diet alone (n=9) in patients with compensated cirrhosis and portal hypertension. Spironolactone significantly reduced the plasma volume.

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