Liver transplantation and alcohol: Who should get transplants?

Ruud A. F. Krom – 1 July 1994 – Medical selection criteria should be the same for all patients with end‐stage liver disease and should aim for an acceptable outcome of the liver transplant procedure in matter of survival and quality of life, taking the scarce resources into account. The psychiatric selection criteria should aim at avoidance of recidivism of alcohol use in alcoholic patients. At least 6 mo of sobriety should be required. The patient must have a stable and supportive environment and should participate in an alcohol counseling program.

Indications for orthotopic liver transplantation in fulminant liver failure

Roger Williams, Julia Wendon – 1 July 1994 – The decision to undertake transplantation in a patient with fulminant liver failure requires consideration of many factors so that the physician may arrive at the most appropriate course of action. There are several definitions of fulminant liver failure used in current practice, all excluding patients with chronic liver disease. In the one most recently proposed, the terms hyperacute, acute and subacute liver failure are used to categorize groups of patients with different clinical appearances and progress.

Is hepatitis B infection an indication for orthotopic liver transplantation? the answer, my friend, is Blowin' in the wind

Federico G. Villamil – 1 July 1994 – Background. The role of liver transplantation in patients positive for the hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) is controversial because of the high rate of recurrent hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection. It has not been determined whether this risk is greater for certain patients and whether the administration of anti‐hepatitis B surface antigen (anti‐HBe) immune globulin is beneficial.

Systemic antibiotic therapy prevents bacterial infection in cirrhotic patients with gastrointestinal hemorrhage

Marcel Blaise, Dominique Pateron, Jean‐Claude Trinchet, Serge Levacher, Michel Beaugrand, Jean‐Louis Pourriat – 1 July 1994 – This randomized prospective study was aimed at assessing the efficiency of a systemic antibiotic therapy for the prevention of bacterial infections in cirrhotic patients with gastrointestinal hemorrhage by ruptured esophageal varices. For 15 mo, all patients hospitalized with no infection on admission, were included in the study. Starting on admission day, patients in group A received ofloxacin (400 mg/day) for 10 days, first intravenously then orally.

Establishment of a cell line from a hepatocellular carcinoma from a patient with hemochromatosis

Garwin K. Sing, Raymond Pace, Sharon Prior, Janet S. D. Scott, Paul Shield, Nicole Martin, Jeffrey Searle, Cameron Battersby, Lawrie W. Powell, W. Graham E. Cooksley – 1 July 1994 – We describe the establishment and characterization of a novel hepatoma cell line. This cell line, designated RBHF‐1, was established from a hepatocellular carcinoma of a 67‐yr‐old man with a history of genetic hemochromatosis. At this writing, the cells have been maintained in RPMI‐1640 tissue‐culture medium and fetal calf serum without any additional supplements for 30 mo.

Hepatic biliary transport after hepatocyte transplantation in eizai hyperbilirubinemic rats

Hiromitsu Hamaguchi, Yasuo Yamaguchi, Mataro Goto, Mikio Misumi, Naoya Hisama, Nobutomo Miyanari, Katsutaka Mori, Michio Ogawa – 1 July 1994 – The Eizai hyperbilirubinemic rat (EHBR) is a Sprague‐Dawley mutant rat with conjugated hyperbilirubinemia. Eizai hyperbilirubinemic rats have impaired canalicular excretory transport of organic anions, bile acid glucuronide and sulfate. Eizai hyperbilirubinemic rats, with and without a 68% partial hepatectomy, were treated by an intraportal injection of 1×107 wild‐type Sprague‐Dawley mutant rat hepatocytes.

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