Zonal heterogeneity of peroxisomal enzymes in rat liver: Differential induction by three divergent hypolipidemic drugs

Markus Lindauer, Konstantin Beier, Alfred Völkl, H. Dariush Fahimi – 1 August 1994 – The hepatic zonation of peroxisomes and four of their matrical enzyme proteins (catalase, acyl coenzyme A oxidase, multifunctional protein, thiolase) has been investigated in normal male rats and after treatment with three divergent hypolipidemic drugs by means of automatic image analysis and quantitative immunoelectron microscopy. The induction of peroxisomal enzymes was confirmed by Western blotting and enzyme activity determinations in liver homogenates and in highly purified peroxisome fractions.

Purification of cultured primary rat hepatocytes using selection with ricin a subunit

David E. Johnston, Rahul Jasuja – 1 August 1994 – We had found several methods of hepatocyte isolation to be inadequate for removing Kupffer and endo thelial cells and so developed a method of selectively killing these nonparenchymal cells in hepatocyte cultures using the known selective uptake and toxicity of the protein synthesis inhibitor ricin and its A chain by nonparenchymal cells. Kupffer cells were quantitated with the Ku‐1 monoclonal antibody.

Functional characterization of the basolateral rat liver organic anion transporting polypeptide

Gerd‐Achim Kullak‐Ublick, Bruno Hagenbuch, Bruno Stieger, Allan W. Wolkoff, Peter J. Meier – 1 August 1994 – To characterize the transport functions of a recently cloned basolateral organic anion transporting polypeptide of rat hepatocytes we performed further kinetic transport and substrate cis‐inhibition studies in organic anion‐transporting polypeptide—cRNA injected Xenopus laevis oocytes.

Monoethylglicinexylidide test: A prognostic indicator of survival in cirrhosis

Arrigo Arrigoni, Tiziana Gindro, Giuseppe Aimo, Nazario Cappello, Andrea Meloni, Paolo Benedetti, Gian Paolo Molino, Giorgio Verme, Mario Rizzetto – 1 August 1994 – The aim of this study was to assess the value of the monoethylglicinexylidide assay, a dynamic liver function test based on the determination of the serum concentration of lidocaine major metabolite, as a predictor of survival in cirrhosis.

Human biliary epithelial cells secrete and respond to cytokines and hepatocyte growth factors in vitro: Interleukin‐6, hepatocyte growth factor and epidermal growth factor promote DNA synthesis in vitro

Koshi Matsumoto, Hiroaki Fujii, George Michalopoulos, John J. Fung, Anthony J. Demetris – 1 August 1994 – Recombinant growth factors and proinflammatory cytokines were added to primary cultures of human intrahepatic biliary duct epithelia to test for their ability to stimulate DNA synthesis and elicit cytokine production. Interleukin‐6 and hepatocyte and epidermal growth factors were found to increase the DNA labeling index of biliary duct epithelium from fourfold to sixfold 24 hr after their addition to primary biliary duct epithelium cultures maintained in serum‐free medium.

Imaging diagnosis of small hepatocellular carcinoma

Kenji Ikeda, Satoshi Saitoh, Isao Koida, Akihito Tsubota, Yasuji Arase, Kazuaki Chayama, Hiromitsu Kumada – 1 July 1994 – To elucidate the detectability of small hepatocellular carcinoma by various imaging modalities, we performed digital subtraction angiography, computed tomographic arterioportography and carbon dioxide‐enhanced ultrasonography. Of 76 patients with a small hepatocellular carcinoma of 2 cm or less in maximum diameter, 61 underwent digital subtraction angiography, computed tomographic arterioportography and enhanced ultrasonography at the same time.

DNA ploidy analysis of hepatic preneoplastic and neoplastic lesions in woodchucks experimentally infected with woodchuck hepatitis virus

Li‐Jun Mi, Jaygonda Patil, William E. Hornbuckle, Paul J. Cote, John L. Gerin, Bud C. Tennant, Fiorenzo Paronetto – 1 July 1994 – We analyzed the DNA ploidy and the nuclear size of hepatocytes within hepatocellular carcinoma, putative preneoplastic (clear cell and basophilic foci) and adjacent non‐neoplastic liver in 30 woodchucks neonatally infected with the woodchuck hepatitis virus. In livers from control woodchucks, in clear cell foci and in most chronic portal hepatitis, the hepatocytes were diploid, with less than 10% tetraploid cells.

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