The nature of complications following liver biopsy in transplant patients with Roux‐en‐Y choledochojejunostomy

Joseph S. Galati, Howard P. Monsour, Jeremiah P. Donovan, Rowen K. Zetterman, Daniel F. Schafer, Alan N. Langnas, Byers W. Shaw, Michael F. Sorrell – 1 September 1994 – Liver biopsy is an important diagnostic tool in the management of patients following orthotopic liver transplant. We evaluated complications following percutaneous liver biopsy in a group of liver transplant patients who had Roux‐en‐Y choledochojejunostomies fashioned as part of their biliary reconstruction during liver transplantation.

Predictive factors of early postoperative graft function in human liver transplantation

F. Xavier González, Antoni Rimola, Luis Grande, Maria Antolin, Juan C. Garcia‐Valdecasas, Jose Fuster, Antonio M. Lacy, Esteban Cugat, Jose Visa, Joan Rodés – 1 September 1994 – To identify factors predictive of early postoperative graft function, we analyzed 54 variables—including easily available clinical and laboratory data prospectively obtained from organ donors, transplant recipients and surgical procedures in 168 consecutive liver transplantations.

Outcome of liver transplantation in patients with hemochromatosis

Frank J. Farrell, Marie Nguyen, Susan Woodley, Joanne C. Imperial, Richard Garcia‐Kennedy, Kevin Man, Carlos O. Esquivel, Emmet B. Keeffe – 1 August 1994 – Recent preliminary reports suggest a poor outcome of orthotopic liver transplantation for patients with hemochromatosis. We analyzed an institutional experience with orthotopic liver transplantation for hemochromatosis, focusing on factors contributing to increased morbidity and mortality. Between March 1988 and October 1992, nine of 249 adults (3.6%) undergoing orthotopic liver transplantation had hemochromatosis.

The role of tumor necrosis factor‐α in acute endotoxin‐induced hepatotoxicity in ethanol‐fed rats

John Hansen, David L. Cherwitz, John I. Allen – 1 August 1994 – An in vivo model of ethanol ingestion in rats was used to examine tumor necrosis factor‐α production after intravenous injection with lipopolysaccharide or saline solution. Four groups of 125‐gm male Sprague‐Dawley rats were given one of the following four diets: liquid ethanol diet (ethanol, 36% of calories), liquid control diet, chow ad libitum or control liquid diet pair‐fed to match calories consumed by ethanol‐fed rats. After 6 wk of diet, all rats were injected with 1 mg/kg lipopolysaccharide or 0.9% saline.

AT long last: An animal model of Wilson's disease

Ronald J. Sokol – 1 August 1994 – The LEC rat is an inbred mutant strain with spontaneous hepatitis isolated from Long‐Evans rats. Since approximately 40% of LEC rats die of fulminant hepatitis, the rat serves an animal model for studying the pathogenesis and treatment of human fulminant hepatitis. The remaining 60% of LEC rats survive and develop chronic (prolonged) hepatitis and subsequently develop liver cancer.

Renal duplex doppler ultrasonography: A noninvasive predictor of kidney dysfunction and hepatorenal failure in liver disease

Joel F. Platt, James H. Ellis, Jonathan M. Rubin, Robert M. Merion, Michael R. Lucey – 1 August 1994 – Hepatorenal failure, a well‐recognized complication of established liver disease, is characterized by early renal hemodynamic changes (vasoconstriction) before clinically recognized kidney disease. This renal vasoconstruction (increased renal vascular resistance) should be detectable noninvasively by Doppler ultrasonography.

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