Metabolism and effect of 7‐oxo‐lithocholic acid 3‐sulfate on bile flow and biliary lipid secretion in rats

Hiroyuki Yamashita, Kenneth D. R. Setchell – 1 September 1994 – Significant amounts of oxo and sulfated bile acids are excreted in the urine of patients with cholestatic liver diseases, but these bile acid species are found only in traces in bile. Several possible explanations for this finding include poor canalicular secretion, rapid biotransformation by oxidoreduction and extrahepatic sulfation of oxo bile acids.

Vaccination against hepatitis C virus infection: Miles to go before we sleep

T. Jake Liang, M. Sawkat Anwer – 1 September 1994 – A high incidence of community‐acquired hepatitis C virus infection that can lead to the progressive development of chronic active hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, and primary hepatocellular carcinoma occurs throughout the world. A vaccine to control the spread of this agent that represents a major cause of chronic liver disease is therefore needed.

Phase II study of transarterial embolization in european patients with hepatocellular carcinoma: Need for controlled trials

Jordi Bruix, Antoni Castells, Xavier Montanyà, Xavier Calvet, Concepció Brü, Carmen Ayuso, Lluís Jover, Laura García, Ramon Vilana, Loreto Boix, Joan Rodés – 1 September 1994 – Our uncontrolled phase II study was aimed at assessing the efficacy of transarterial embolization in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma and to determine the parameters associated with a favorable response to treatment, improved survival or both. Fifty consecutive patients (25 corresponding to Okuda's stage I and 25 to stage II) with hepatocellular carcinoma (41 being multinodular or massive) were included.

Effect of orthotopic liver transplantation on bone mineral content and serum vitamin D metabolites in infants and children with chronic cholestasis

Eric A. Argao, William F. Balistreri, Bruce W. Hollis, Frederick C. Ryckman, James E. Heubi – 1 September 1994 – Almost all infants and children with chronic cholestasis have osteopenia. We evaluated the effect of orthotopic liver transplantation on bone mineral content and serum 25(OH)‐vitamin D–[25(OH)D]–of nine infants and children (five girls; age, 6 to 21 mo at the time of orthotopic liver transplantation) with end‐stage liver disease resulting from chronic cholestasis.

Effects of hemopexin on heme‐mediated repression of 5‐aminolevulinate synthase and induction of heme oxygenase in cultured hepatocytes

Peter R. Sinclair, William J. Bement, John F. Healey, Nadia Gorman, Jacqueline F. Sinclair, Herbert L. Bonkovsky, Heng H. Liem, Ursula Muller‐Eberhard – 1 September 1994 – The serum protein hemopexin is considered to have a major role in the mechanism of the uptake of heme by hepatocytes by means of a heme‐hemopexin receptor.

Detection and distribution of hepatitis C—specific antigens in naturally infected liver

Keril Blight, Richard R. Lesniewski, Justin T. Labrooy, Eric J. Gowans – 1 September 1994 – Hepatitis C virus antigen expression was examined using peptide antibodies in liver tissue taken at biopsy from four chronic carriers of hepatitis C virus. Hepatitis C virus antigens E2/NS1, NS3, NS4 and NS5 were widespread in unfixed frozen liver sections and were present as distinct granules or foci within the cytoplasm of hepatocytes and in infiltrating lymphocytes in portal tracts.

Appearance of sinusoidal inclusion‐containing endothelia cells in liver disease

Shinichi Iwamura, Hideaki Enzan, Toshiji Saibara, Saburo Onishi, Yasutake Yamamoto – 1 September 1994 – Sinusoidal “inclusion‐containing endothelial cells” were studied histopathologically and immunohistochemically in various liver diseases, and their clinical importance was investigated. A total of 498 needle liver biopsies were examined. Endothelial inclusions inside the cells were recognized as eosinophilic granules in hematoxylin‐eosin‐stained sections. Electron microscopy showed that these inclusions corresponded to round cytoplasmic dense bodies with a single limiting membrane.

Putrescine as a comitogen of epidermal growth factor in rat liver growth

Sumiko Nagoshi, Kenji Fujiwara – 1 September 1994 – Putrescine can stimulate regeneration of the remnant liver after partial hepatectomy in rats when exogenously administered, but its mitogenic action has not been shown in cultured hepatocytes. To find its action site(s) in the regulation of hepatocyte proliferation, we examined its effect on hepatocyte DNA synthesis in relation to mitogenic action of epidermal growth factor in vitro and in vivo.

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