Prevalence, severity, and risk factors of liver disease in blood donors positive in a second‐generation anti—hepatitis C virus screening test

Lawrence Serfaty, Jean Baptiste Nousbaum, Marie Helene Elghouzzi, Phillipe Giral, Claire Legendre, Raoul Poupon – 1 March 1995 – In a cohort of 483 blood donors positive for antibody to hepatitis C virus on second‐generation enzyme‐linked immunosorbent, the confirmatory second‐generation recombinant immunoblot assay (Ortho Diagnostic Systems) was positive in 172 cases (36%), indeterminate in 113 (23%), and negative in 198 (41%). We further studied 94 of the donors (recombinant immunoblot assay positive in 85, indeterminate in 6, and negative in 3).

Primary malignant melanoma of the biliary tract

W. Kenneth Washburn, Seichi Noda, W. David Lewis, Roger L. Jenkins – 1 March 1995 – Primary malignant melanoma of the biliary tract is an obscure entity, with only four previously reported cases. We report two cases involving the common bile duct. A 43‐year‐old male who underwent a right hepatectomy and excision of the extrahepatic biliary tree for a lesion at the bifurcation of the common bile duct. He remains alive and well 11 months after resection. The second patient is a 45 year old male with obstructive jaundice due to an ampullary lesion.

Liver Transplantation for Treatment of Giant Hepatocellular Adenomas

Juergen Mueller, Emmet B. Keeffe, Carlos O. Esquivel – 1 March 1995 – Giant hepatocellular adenomas are associated with a high incidence of rupture with intraabdominal hemorrhage and may also undergo malignant transformation. If resection is not technically feasible, liver transplantation should be a treatment option. The aim of this report is to describe the indications, feasibility, and outcome of liver transplantation for hepatocellular adenomas.

Acute endotoxin tolerance downregulates superoxide anion release by the perfused liver and isolated hepatic nonparenchymal cells

Abraham P. Bautista, John J. Spitzer – 1 March 1995 – This work is based on the hypothesis that low‐dose lipopolysaccharide (LPS) suppresses the stimulatory and priming effects of a subsequent high‐dose endotoxin on the formation of toxic oxygen‐derived radicals by the perfused liver and isolated hepatic nonparenchymal cells. Such effects may in turn contribute to hyposensitivity to the lethal effect of large doses of endotoxin.

Epithelial‐mesenchymal transition in cultured neonatal hepatocytes

Roser Pagan, Miquel Llobera, Senén Vilaró – 1 March 1995 – When hepatocyte‐enriched fractions from neonatal rat livers were cultured for different times in the absence of added growth factors, a population of highly proliferating and migrating fibroblastlike cells appeared. Double immunofluorescence with antibodies to cytokeratin and to vimentin showed a progressive reduction in the number of cytokeratin‐positive cells parallel to an increase in the vimentin‐positive cells. Some cells with transitional epithelial or migrating morphology coexpressed both intermediate filament proteins.

Transformation of sinusoids into capillaries in a rat model of selenium‐induced nodular regenerative hyperplasia: An immunolight and immunoelectron microscopic study

Liliane Dubuisson, Liliane Boussarie, Christiane‐Alexine Bedin, Charles Balabaud, Paulette Bioulac‐Sage – 1 March 1995 – The oral administration of selenium (Se) to young rats induces, over a 2‐month period, the formation of nodular regenerative hyperplasia with sinusoidal damage around nodules. Perinodular areas located in zone 1 comprise atrophic hepatocytes and capillarized sinusoids without fibrosis.

Orthotopic liver transplantation in the treatment of metastatic neuroendocrine tumors of the liver

Doug Routley, John K. Ramage, James McPeake, Kai‐Chah Tan, Roger Williams – 1 March 1995 – The place of orthotopic liver transplantation (OLT) in the management of metastatic hepatic neuroendocrine tumors has not been adequately defined. The present report is concerned with patient survival, disease recurrence, and symptom relief in 11 such patients in a single center who, at the time of transplantation, had no extrahepatic tumor.

Escherichia coli capsular polysaccharide and spontaneous bacterial peritonitis in cirrhosis

Germán Soriano, Pere Coll, Carlos Guarner, José Such, Ferran Sánchez, Guillem Prats, Francisco Vilardell – 1 March 1995 – Spontaneous bacterial peritonitis (SBP) is a frequent and severe complication of cirrhosis. Escherichia coli is the most frequent bacterium isolated in this condition. The presence of capsular antigens, mainly the K1 capsular polysaccharide, has been associated with invasiveness in E coli infections. Capsular serotypes of E coli causing SBP were determined in 37 cirrhotic patients.

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