High prevalence of serological markers of autoimmunity in patients with chronic hepatitis C

Bernard D. Clifford, Daniel Donahue, Lynda Smith, Edward Cable, Brigit Luttig, Michael Manns, Herbert L. Bonkovsky – 1 March 1995 – The advent of specific antiviral therapy for chronic hepatitis C has increased the importance of establishing the correct etiology of chronic hepatitis in patients, especially because interferon alfa (IFN‐α) has been reported to exacerbate autoimmune hepatitis (AIH), whereas corticosteroids increase viral replication in chronic hepatitis C.

Expression of Von Willebrand factor in normal and diseased rat livers and in cultivated liver cells

Thomas Knittel, Katrin Neubauer, Thomas Armbrust, Giuliano Ramadori – 1 February 1995 – Von Willebrand factor (vWf) is an adhesive glycoprotein known to play an important role in hemostasis and in tissue injury. Because the latter process resembles hepatic fibrogenesis, we studied the tissue distribution of vWf in diseased livers. In normal rat liver vWf was strongly expressed in the vascular endothelium and as small spots or fiber‐like structures in the hepatic parenchyma. During acute liver injury, pronounced staining was observed within the area of necrosis.

Prognostic significance of nucleolar organizer regions in hepatocellular carcinoma

Koichi Shimizu, Ryohei Izumi, Toru Ii, Keiichi Muraoka, Tetsuya Inoue, Wataru Fukushima, Koya Sakamoto, Takashi Tani, Tetsuo Hashimoto, Masao Yagi, Itsuo Miyazaki, Akitaka Nonomura – 1 February 1995 – It has been suggested that the number of argyrophilic nucleolar organizer regions (AgNORs) correlates with cellular activity and the aggressiveness of malignancy. The mean number of AgNORs per nucleus may, therefore, be a prognostic factor for hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). The purpose of this study was to evaluate the prognostic significance of the number of AgNORs in HCC.

Single photon emission computed tomography to determine effective hepatic blood flow and intrahepatic shunting

Motoh Iwasa, Kazuyoshi Nakamura, Tsuyoshi Nakagawa, Shozo Watanabe, Hiroshi Katoh, Yasutomi Kinosada, Hisato Maeda, Jun Habara, Shiro Suzuki – 1 February 1995 – The noninvasive determination of effective hepatic blood flow, intrahepatic shunted blood flow, intrahepatic shunt index, and total hepatic blood flow was investigated by using the sequential single photon emission computed tomography. This method was performed for a period of 10 minutes following an intravenous injection of 99mTc‐(Sn)‐N‐pyridoxyl‐5‐methyltryptophan and a venous blood sampling.

Long‐term clinical and virological outcome after liver transplantation for cirrhosis caused by chronic delta hepatitis

Didier Samuel, Anna‐Linda Zignego, Michel Reynes, Cyrille Feray, Jean Louis Arulnaden, Marie‐Françoise David, Michèle Gigou, Alain Bismuth, Danielle Mathieu, Paolo Gentilini, Jean‐Pierre Benhamou, Christian Brechot, Henri Bismuth – 1 February 1995 – Liver transplantation for liver diseases related to hepatitis B virus (HBV) and hepatitis delta virus (HDV) remains problematic because of the risk of viral recurrence. We report here the long‐term virological outcome of patients transplanted for HDV‐related liver cirrhosis (HDV cirrhosis).

Pathogenesis of diquat‐induced liver necrosis in selenium‐deficient rats: Assessment of the roles of lipid peroxidation and selenoprotein P

Raymond F. Burk, Kristina E. Hill, Joseph A. Awad, Jason D. Morrow, Tatsuko Kato, Kevin A. Cockell, P. Reid Lyons – 1 February 1995 – A dose of diquat below the amount injurious to selenium‐replete animals causes lipid peroxidation and massive liver necrosis in selenium‐deficient rats. The current study was undertaken to characterize the lipid peroxidation with respect to the liver injury and to correlate the presence of several selenoproteins with the protective effect of selenium. Lipid peroxidation was assessed by measurement of F2 isoprostanes.

Detection of Gp210 autoantibodies in primary biliary cirrhosis using a recombinant protein containing the predominant autoepitope

Flora Tartakovsky, Howard J. Worman – 1 February 1995 – Autoantibodies against nuclear pore membrane glycoprotein gp210 have been identified in between 10% and 25% of patients with primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC). These antibodies may be useful in diagnosing PBC and in identifying subgroups of patients. Because previous detection procedures relied on the need to purify hydrophobic proteins and perform immunoblotting, the aim of the present study was to develop a simple assay to detect gp210 autoantibodies.

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