Pro: Patient and allograft survival remain the best metric to gauge successful liver transplantation
Vijaya L. Rao, Adam E. Mikolajczyk, Geraldine C. Diaz, John F. Renz – 6 April 2018
Vijaya L. Rao, Adam E. Mikolajczyk, Geraldine C. Diaz, John F. Renz – 6 April 2018
Justine Hum, Janice H. Jou – 6 April 2018
Colin M. Court, Shuang Hou, Paul Winograd, Nicholas H. Segel, Qingyu Wilda Li, Yazhen Zhu, Saeed Sadeghi, Richard S. Finn, Ekambaram Ganapathy, Min Song, Samuel W. French, Bita V. Naini, Shonan Sho, Fady M. Kaldas, Ronald W. Busuttil, James S. Tomlinson, Hsian‐Rong Tseng, Vatche G. Agopian – 6 April 2018 – Current clinicopathologic staging systems and serum biomarkers poorly discriminate tumor biology in hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), with high recurrence rates following curative‐intent surgical resection and liver transplantation (LT).
Zoltan V. Varga, Katalin Erdelyi, Janos Paloczi, Resat Cinar, Zsuzsanna K. Zsengeller, Tony Jourdan, Csaba Matyas, Balazs Tamas Nemeth, Adrien Guillot, Xiaogang Xiang, Adam Mehal, György Haskó, Isaac E. Stillman, Seymour Rosen, Bin Gao, George Kunos, Pal Pacher – 6 April 2018 – Tubular dysfunction is an important feature of renal injury in hepatorenal syndrome (HRS) in patients with end‐stage liver disease. The pathogenesis of kidney injury in HRS is elusive, and there are no clinically relevant rodent models of HRS.
Jorge A. Marrero, Laura M. Kulik, Claude B. Sirlin, Andrew X. Zhu, Richard S. Finn, Michael M. Abecassis, Lewis R. Roberts, Julie K. Heimbach – 6 April 2018
Tram T. Tran – 6 April 2018
Lauren A. George, Zurabi Lominadze, Eric R. Kallwitz – 6 April 2018
Jacob George, Eduard Burnevich, I‐Shyan Sheen, Jeong Heo, Nguyen Van Kinh, Tawesak Tanwandee, Pin‐Nan Cheng, Do Young Kim, Won Young Tak, Svetlana Kizhlo, Konstantin Zhdanov, Vasily Isakov, Liwen Liang, Pauline Lindore, Joy Ginanni, Bach‐Yen Nguyen, Janice Wahl, Eliav Barr, Michael Robertson, Paul Ingravallo, Rohit Talwani, on behalf of the C‐CORAL Study Investigators – 4 April 2018 – The prevalence of hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection in Asian countries is high.
Jacob George, Eduard Burnevich, I‐Shyan Sheen, Jeong Heo, Nguyen Van Kinh, Tawesak Tanwandee, Pin‐Nan Cheng, Do Young Kim, Won Young Tak, Svetlana Kizhlo, Konstantin Zhdanov, Vasily Isakov, Liwen Liang, Pauline Lindore, Joy Ginanni, Bach‐Yen Nguyen, Janice Wahl, Eliav Barr, Michael Robertson, Paul Ingravallo, Rohit Talwani, on behalf of the C‐CORAL Study Investigators – 4 April 2018 – The prevalence of hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection in Asian countries is high.
2 April 2018