Utilization of aspirin and statin in management of coronary artery disease in patients with cirrhosis undergoing liver transplant evaluation

Samarth S. Patel, Luis A. Guzman, Fei‐Pi Lin, Taylor Pence, Trevor Reichman, Binu John, Francesco S. Celi, Erika Liptrap, Chandra Bhati, Mohammad S. Siddiqui – 6 April 2018 – Coronary artery disease (CAD) assessment is a vital part of liver transplantation (LT) evaluation, as it allows for identification and medical optimization prior to transplantation. Although aspirin and statins are standard of care for CAD, they are not universally used in cirrhosis due to concerns about adverse events.

Longterm Analysis of Biliary Complications After Duct‐to‐Duct Biliary Reconstruction in Living Donor Liver Transplantations

Sung Yeon Hong, Xu‐Guang Hu, Hyun Young Lee, Je Hwan Won, Jin Woo Kim, Xue‐Yin Shen, Hee‐Jung Wang, Bong‐Wan Kim – 6 April 2018 – Biliary complication (BC) is still regarded as the Achilles’ heel of a living donor liver transplantation (LDLT). This study aims to evaluate the longterm outcomes of the duct‐to‐duct (DD) biliary reconstruction using 7‐0 suture and to identify the risk factors of BCs after LDLTs. Data of 140 LDLTs between 2006 and 2015 were analyzed.

Age‐dependent glycosylation of the sodium taurocholate cotransporter polypeptide: From fetal to adult human livers

Camillo Sargiacomo, Hoda El‐Kehdy, Guillaume Pourcher, Bruno Stieger, Mustapha Najimi, Etienne Sokal – 6 April 2018 – Sodium taurocholate cotransporter polypeptide (NTCP), mainly expressed on the sinusoidal membrane of hepatocytes, is one of the major transporters responsible for liver bile acid (BA) re‐uptake. NTCP transports conjugated BA from the blood into hepatocytes and is crucial for correct enterohepatic circulation. Studies have shown that insufficient hepatic clearance of BA correlates with elevated serum BA in infants younger than 1 year of age.

SIRT3 restricts hepatitis B virus transcription and replication through epigenetic regulation of covalently closed circular DNA involving suppressor of variegation 3‐9 homolog 1 and SET domain containing 1A histone methyltransferases

Ji‐Hua Ren, Jie‐Li Hu, Sheng‐Tao Cheng, Hai‐Bo Yu, Vincent Kam Wai Wong, Betty Yuen Kwan Law, Yong‐Feng Yang, Ying Huang, Yi Liu, Wei‐Xian Chen, Xue‐Fei Cai, Hua Tang, Yuan Hu, Wen‐Lu Zhang, Xiang Liu, Quan‐Xin Long, Li Zhou, Na‐Na Tao, Hong‐Zhong Zhou, Qiu‐Xia Yang, Fang Ren, Lin He, Rui Gong, Ai‐Long Huang, Juan Chen – 6 April 2018 – Hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection remains a major health problem worldwide.

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