Dipeptidyl Peptidase‐4 Is a Pro‐Recovery Mediator During Acute Hepatotoxic Damage and Mirrors Severe Shifts in Kupffer Cells

Nádia Duarte, Inês Coelho, Denys Holovanchuk, Joana Inês Almeida, Carlos Penha‐Gonçalves, Maria Paula Macedo – 7 September 2018 – Dipeptidyl peptidase‐4 (DPP‐4 or clusters of differentiation [CD]26) is a multifunctional molecule with established roles in metabolism. Pharmacologic inhibition of DPP‐4 is widely used to improve glycemic control through regulation of the incretin effect. Colaterally, CD26/DPP‐4 inhibition appears to be beneficial in many inflammatory conditions, namely in delaying progression of liver pathology.

Whole‐Exome Sequencing Study of Extreme Phenotypes of NAFLD

Sarah E. Kleinstein, Matthew Rein, Manal F. Abdelmalek, Cynthia D. Guy, David B. Goldstein, Anna Mae Diehl, Cynthia A. Moylan – 5 September 2018 – Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is a heterogeneous disease with highly variable outcomes. Patients with simple steatosis typically experience a benign course, whereas those with more advanced liver injury, nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), and advanced stage fibrosis suffer increased risk for complications such as cirrhosis, hepatic decompensation, and liver cancer.

A Rare Nonsense Mutation in the Glucokinase Regulator Gene Is Associated With a Rapidly Progressive Clinical Form of Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis

Carlos J. Pirola, Diego Flichman, Hernán Dopazo, Tomas Fernández Gianotti, Julio San Martino, Cristian Rohr, Martin Garaycoechea, Carla Gazzi, Gustavo O. Castaño, Silvia Sookoian – 5 September 2018 – We report on the presence of a rare nonsense mutation (rs149847328, p.Arg227Ter) in the glucokinase regulator (GCKR) gene in an adult patient with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), morbid obesity, and type 2 diabetes; this patient developed a progressive histological form of the disease.

LiverLearning®: 2018 Webinar: Unraveling the New UNOS Liver Allocation Policy

The new UNOS organ allocation policy is scheduled to go into effect in December 2018. Work your way through the changes and challenges with the Chair of the AASLD Liver Transplantation SIG and Editor-in-Chief of Liver Transplantation in this first of a series of webinars brought to you by a collaboration of the SIG and journal.Paul Martin (Moderator) Paul Martin MD, FAASLD is Professor of Medicine and Chief of the Divisions of Gastroenterology and Hepatology at the University of Miami, USA.

Suboptimal Level of Bone‐Forming Cells in Advanced Cirrhosis are Associated with Hepatic Osteodystrophy

Chhagan Bihari, Deepika Lal, Monika Thakur, Sukriti Sukriti, Dhananjay Mathur, Anupama G. Patil, Lovkesh Anand, Guresh Kumar, Shvetank Sharma, Shalini Thapar, Apurba Rajbongshi, Archana Rastogi, Anupam Kumar, Shiv K. Sarin – 4 September 2018 – Bone loss is common in advanced cirrhosis, although the precise mechanisms underlying bone loss in cirrhosis are unknown. We studied the profile and functionality of bone‐forming cells and bone‐building proteins in bone marrow (BM) of individuals with cirrhosis (n = 61) and individuals without cirrhosis as normal controls (n = 50).

Burden of Illness and Economic Model for Patients With Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis in the United States

Zobair M. Younossi, Radhika Tampi, Massoom Priyadarshini, Fatema Nader, Issah M. Younossi, Andrei Racila – 4 September 2018 – Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) is the progressive form of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. Our aim was to estimate the total economic burden of NASH and advanced NASH in the United States. We constructed lifetime Markov models for all stages of NASH and a separate model to specifically identify the increased burden of advanced NASH (fibrosis stage >3). The models comprised patients aged 18+, who moved through seven different health states.

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