Hepatocyte‐Specific β‐Catenin Deletion During Severe Liver Injury Provokes Cholangiocytes to Differentiate Into Hepatocytes

Jacquelyn O. Russell, Wei‐Yu Lu, Hirohisa Okabe, Marc Abrams, Michael Oertel, Minakshi Poddar, Sucha Singh, Stuart J. Forbes, Satdarshan P. Monga – 14 September 2018 – Liver regeneration after injury is normally mediated by proliferation of hepatocytes, although recent studies have suggested biliary epithelial cells (BECs) can differentiate into hepatocytes during severe liver injury when hepatocyte proliferation is impaired. We investigated the effect of hepatocyte‐specific β‐catenin deletion in recovery from severe liver injury and BEC‐to‐hepatocyte differentiation.

Changes in Cerebral Hemodynamics in Patients With Cirrhosis After Liver Transplantation

Ricardo Ulises Macías‐Rodríguez, Astrid Ruiz‐Margáin, Carlos Cantú‐Brito, Daniel Fernando Flores‐Silva, Octavio René García‐Flores, Francisco Javier Cubero, Elena Larrieta‐Carrasco, Aldo Torre – 12 September 2018 – Improvement in cognitive function after orthotopic liver transplantation (LT) has been demonstrated in the acute setting immediately after LT and in acute liver failure. However, the longterm changes in cerebral hemodynamics after LT remain unexplored. Therefore, we aimed to evaluate the longterm changes in cerebral hemodynamics of patients with cirrhosis after LT.

De Novo Malignancies Screening After Liver Transplantation for Alcoholic Liver Disease: A Comparative Opportunistic Study

Laurence Renaud, Marie‐Noëlle Hilleret, Elsa Thimonier, Olivier Guillaud, Francois Arbib, Gilbert Ferretti, Adrien Jankowski, Christine Chambon‐Augoyard, Domitille Erard‐Poinsot, Thomas Decaens, Olivier Boillot, Vincent Leroy, Jérôme Dumortier – 12 September 2018 – Patients having received a liver transplantation (LT) for alcoholic liver disease (ALD) have a high risk of de novo malignancies, especially in the upper aerodigestive tract and lungs due to their smoking and alcohol history.

LiverLearning®: 2018 Webinar: Cardiac Risk in Liver Transplantation: Getting to the “Heart” of the Matter

The overall objective of this activity is to address the epidemiology, risk factors and key challenges in the evaluation and management of cardiovascular disease in liver transplant candidates. In particular, we will discuss the evolving role of cirrhotic cardiomyopathy as a marker of ongoing cardiac injury.Lisa VanWagner (Moderator) Dr. Lisa VanWagner is an Assistant Professor of Medicine-GI & Hepatology and Preventive Medicine-Epidemiology at Northwestern University in Chicago, IL.  Dr.

A Long Noncoding RNA Regulates Hepatitis C Virus Infection Through Interferon Alpha–Inducible Protein 6

Xiao Liu, Xiaoqiong Duan, Jacinta A. Holmes, Wenting Li, Sae Hwan Lee, Zeng Tu, Chuanlong Zhu, Shadi Salloum, Anna Lidofsky, Esperance A. Schaefer, Dachuan Cai, Shilin Li, Haoju Wang, Yongfu Huang, Yongju Zhao, Ming‐Lung Yu, Zhiwen Xu, Limin Chen, Jian Hong, Wenyu Lin, Raymond T. Chung – 10 September 2018 – Long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs) play a critical role in the regulation of many important cellular processes. However, the mechanisms by which lncRNAs regulate viral infection and host immune responses are not well understood.

The mRECIST Classification Provides Insight into Tumor Biology for Patients With Hepatocellular Carcinoma Awaiting Liver Transplantation

David D. Lee, Mariya Samoylova, Neil Mehta, Kaitlyn R. Musto, John P. Roberts, Francis Y. Yao, Denise M. Harnois – 10 September 2018 – With recent changes in United Network for Organ Sharing policy, patients in the United States with hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) are likely to spend more time on the liver transplantation (LT) waiting list. The increasing wait time will allow for an opportunity to assess tumor biology prior to LT.

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