Age and Sex but Not ATP7B Genotype Effectively Influence the Clinical Phenotype of Wilson Disease

Peter Ferenci, Wolfgang Stremmel, Anna Członkowska, Ferenc Szalay, André Viveiros, Albert Friedrich Stättermayer, Radan Bruha, Roderick Houwen, Tudor Lucian Pop, Rudolf Stauber, Michael Gschwantler, Jan Pfeiffenberger, Cihan Yurdaydin, Elmar Aigner, Petra Steindl‐Munda, Hans‐Peter Dienes, Heinz Zoller, Karl Heinz Weiss – 19 September 2018 – Wilson disease (WD) is an inherited disorder of hepatic copper metabolism with considerable variation in clinical presentations, the most common ones being liver disease and neuropsychiatric disturbances.

UBE3A Suppresses Overnutrition‐Induced Expression of the Steatosis Target Genes of MLL4 by Degrading MLL4

Janghyun Kim, Bora Lee, Dae‐Hwan Kim, Jae Gwang Yeon, Jeongkyung Lee, Younjung Park, Yuna Lee, Soo‐Kyung Lee, Seunghee Lee, Jae W. Lee – 19 September 2018 – Regulation of the protein stability of epigenetic regulators remains ill‐defined despite its potential applicability in epigenetic therapies. The histone H3‐lysine 4‐methyltransferase MLL4 is an epigenetic transcriptional coactivator that directs overnutrition‐induced obesity and fatty liver formation, and Mll4+/‐ mice are resistant to both.

Is It Time to Reconsider the Milan Criteria for Selecting Patients With Hepatocellular Carcinoma for Deceased‐Donor Liver Transplantation?

Charlotte E. Costentin, Yanik J. Bababekov, Andrew X. Zhu, Heidi Yeh – 19 September 2018 – Liver transplantation (LT) is considered the optimal treatment for hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) because it removes tumor as well as the underlying cirrhotic liver. Because of a global organ shortage, LT for patients with HCC is limited to patients with expected survival comparable to that of nonmalignant indications. Therefore, identifying patients with lower rates of HCC recurrence and higher rates of survival is critical.

Clinical Outcome and Viral Genome Variability of Hepatitis B Virus–Induced Acute Liver Failure

Olympia E. Anastasiou, Marek Widera, Sandra Westhaus, Lejla Timmer, Johannes Korth, Guido Gerken, Ali Canbay, Daniel Todt, Eike Steinmann, Tatjana Schwarz, Jörg Timm, Jens Verheyen, Sandra Ciesek – 19 September 2018 – Acute hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection remains a frequent cause of acute liver failure (ALF) worldwide. ALF occurs in 0.1%‐0.5% of infected patients. The aim of this study was to scrutinize the outcome of patients with HBV‐induced ALF and mutational patterns of HBV variants, which might contribute to ALF.

Prevalence and Impact of De Novo Donor‐Specific Antibodies During a Multicenter Immunosuppression Withdrawal Trial in Adult Liver Transplant Recipients

Vadim Jucaud, Abraham Shaked, Michele DesMarais, Peter Sayre, Sandy Feng, Josh Levitsky, Matthew J. Everly – 19 September 2018 – The development of human leukocyte antigen (HLA) donor‐specific antibody/antibodies (DSA) is not well described in liver transplant (LT) patients undergoing immunosuppression (IS) withdrawal protocols despite the allograft risk associated with de novo DSA (dnDSA). We analyzed the development of dnDSA in 69 LT patients who received calcineurin inhibitor monotherapy and were enrolled in the ITN030ST study.

A Roadmap for Value‐Based Payment Models Among Patients With Cirrhosis

Michael L. Volk, Jessica Mellinger, Meena B. Bansal, Ziad F. Gellad, Mark McClellan, Fasiha Kanwal – 18 September 2018 – Healthcare reimbursement is shifting from fee‐for‐service to fee‐for‐value. Cirrhosis, which costs the U.S. healthcare system as much as heart failure, is a prime target for value‐based care. This article describes models in which physician groups or health systems are paid for improving quality and lowering costs for a given population of patients with cirrhosis.

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