Increase in ascites white blood cell and protein concentrations during diuresis in patients with chronic liver disease

John C. Hoefs – 1 May 1981 – Serum and ascites protein concentration and ascites cell concentration alterations were determined serially during diuresis in 27 patients with uncomplicated liver disease. The total protein concentration in ascites increased from 1.38 ± 0.96 gm% to 2.86 ± 1.28 gm% (p < 0.001); the serum protein concentration from 6.26 ± 0.81 gm% to 7.24 ± 0.93 gm% (p < 0.001), and the ascites to serum ratio of the total protein concentration from 0.21 ± 0.13 to 0.38 ± 0.14 (p < 0.001).

δ antigen in hepatitis B: Immunohistology of frozen and paraffin‐embedded liver biopsies and relation to HBV infection

Elisabeth St. Öcklin, Fred Gudat, Gunthild Krey, Ursula Dürmüller, Markus Gasser, Martin Schmid, Georg Stalder, Leonardo Bianchi – 1 May 1981 – The finding that the recently described hepatitis B (HB)‐associated delta antigen (δ Ag) is preserved in pronase‐treated, formalin‐fixed paraffin sections allowed a combined prospective and retrospective immunohistological study of its occurrence in 571 liver biopsies.

Modification of galactosamine‐induced liver injury in rats by reticuloendothelial system stimulation or depression

Ali Al‐Tuwaijri, Kemal Akdamar, Nicholas R. di Luzio – 1 March 1981 – The reticuloendothelial system has been implicated in galactosamine‐induced liver injury because of a correlation between phagocytic alterations induced by colloidal carbon or endotoxin, and development of liver necrosis. To evaluate this concept, the influence of galactosamine on liver function and histology was determined in rats in which the reticuloendothelial system was normal, stimulated, or depressed.

Presence of receptors for polymerized albumin in HBsAg‐containing hepatocytes and hepatoma cell line

Swan N. Thung, Michael A. Gerber – 1 March 1981 – Recent evidence suggests that hepatitis B virions (HBV) and HBsAg particles contain receptors for polymerized human serum albumin (pHSA). We studied, by immunohistochemical techniques, the relationship between HBsAg and pHSA receptors in liver tissue from eight patients with chronic HBV infection and in a human hepatocellular carcinoma cell line (PLC/PRF/5) producing HBsAg. Both parallel sections and double fluorescent antibody staining of liver tissue demonstrated that only HBsAg‐containing hepatocytes expressed pHSA receptors.

Transferrin receptors and the uptake and release of iron by isolated hepatocytes

Stephen P. Young, Philip Aisen – 1 March 1981 – Isolated rat hepatocytes accumulate iron from iron‐transferrin by a process which is dependent on the temperature and on the transferrin concentration, and which is diminished by treatment of the cells with a proteolytic enzyme. These observations are consistent with a mechanism for iron uptake into hepatocytes involving the binding of iron‐transferrin to a specific cell‐surface receptor.

In vitro effect of bile salts on rat liver plasma membrane, lipid fluidity, and ATPase activity

Bruce F. Scharschmidt, Emmet B. Keeffe, Donald A. Vessey, Nancy M. Blankenship, Robert K. Ockner – 1 March 1981 – Considerable evidence suggests that liver plasma membrane (LPM) NaK‐ATPase [(Na+ + K+)‐dependent adenosinetriphosphatase] and Mg‐ATPase (Mg2+‐dependent adenosinetriphosphatase) activity and lipid fluidity are important in liver cell functions such as bile formation. However, little is known regarding factors which might alter these membrane properties in vivo.

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