Formulation and application of a numerical scoring system for assessing histological activity in asymptomatic chronic active hepatitis

Robert G. Knodell, Kamal G. Ishak, William C. Black, Thomas S. Chen, Robert Craig, Neil Kaplowitz, Thomas W. Kiernan, Jerome Wollman – 1 September 1981 – A Histology Activity Index has been developed which generates a numerical score for liver biopsy specimens obtained from patients with asymptomatic chronic active hepatitis. Biopsies are graded in four categories: periportal necrosis, intralobular necrosis, portal inflammation, and fibrosis.

Mallory body‐like abnormalities in carcinomas induced by cultured transformed rat liver cells

Ellen Borenfreund, Etienne DeHarven, Lorraine Garra – 1 September 1981 – Hepatoma cells isolated from rats after administration of a carcinogen, diethylnitrosamine, and propagated in culture, contained a genetically stable cytoskeletal abnormality resembling Mallory bodies. These juxtanuclear aggregates of intermediate‐sized filaments were maintained in carcinomas produced in nude mice after inoculation of uncloned mass cultures and a cloned subculture.

A controlled clinical trial of the efficacy of the hepatitis B vaccine (heptavax B): A final report

Wolf Szmuness, Cladd E. Stevens, Edith A. Zang, Edward J. Harley, Aaron Kellner – 1 September 1981 – A controlled, randomized, double‐blind trial in 1,083 homosexual men from New York confirmed that a highly purified, formalin‐inactivated vaccine against hepatitis B prepared from HBsAg positive plasma, is safe immunogenic, and highly efficacious. Over 95% of vaccinated subjects developed antibody against the surface antigen. Vaccine‐induced antibody persisted for the entire 24‐month follow‐up period.

Iepatic vitamin D 25‐hydroxylase: Inhibition by bile duct ligation or bile salts

Erry J. G. Bolt, Michael D. Sitrin, Murray J. Favus, Irwin H. Rosenberg – 1 September 1981 – Bone disease and low serum levels of 25‐hydroxyvitamin D are prevalent in cholestatic syndromes such as primary biliary cirrhosis and biliary atresia. Defective hydroxylation, along with malabsorption of vitamin D, could be a factor in 25‐hydroxyvitamin D depletion. To assess hepatic hydroxylation during experimental cholestasis, we studied vitamin D 25‐hydroxylase activity in liver homogenates of rats after 7, 14, and 21 days of bile duct ligation.

Effect of chronic alcohol intake on hepatic fibrosis and granulomas in marine schistosomiasis mansoni

Hector Orrego, Yedy Israel, Ian R. Crossley, Adel A. F. Mahmoud, Pierre A. Peters, George Varghese, Ian R. Wanless – 1 September 1981 – In consideration of the vast prevalence of schistosomiasis and heavy alcohol consumption in many parts of the world, the possibility of an interaction between these two conditions inducing liver disease was studied in mice infected with Schistosoma mansoni. Alcohol consumption significantly reduced by 25% the mean granuloma diameter and by about 60% the extent of fibrous tissue deposition determined chemically as hydroxyproline.

The risk of hepatitis B transmission from staff to patients in hemodialysis units–‐an overrated problem?

Douglas R. LaBrecque, Arun K. Dhand – 1 September 1981 – The staff and patients in hemodialysis units have the greatest hospital risk of acquiring hepatitis B (HB) infection. We followed the patients of two dialysis nurses in two different dialysis units. One nurse dialyzed 19 patients a total of 50 times during the prodrome of acute HB. The second nurse was a known, asymptomatic carrier of HBsAg who was also HBeAg(+) and anti‐HBc(+). Over a 2‐year period, she dialyzed 30 patients a total of 742 times.

Hepatitis B virus DNA in the sera of HBsAg carriers: A marker of active hepatitis B virus replication in the liver

Ferruccio Bonino, Bill Hoyer, Judith Nelson, Ronald Engle, Giorgio Verme, John Gerin – 1 September 1981 – Sera and liver biopsies from 30 Italian patients, carriers of HBsAg for at least 3 years, were examined for markers of hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection by serological assays and immunofluorescence. Biopsies were analyzed for HBcAg, HBsAg, and δ antigen by immunofluorescence; sera were assayed for HBsAg/anti‐HBs, HBcAg/anti‐HBc, HBeAg/anti‐HBe, δ/anti‐δ, HBV‐specific DNA polymerase activity and the presence of HBV DNA.

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