Presence of functional cytochrome P‐450 on isolated rat hepatocyte plasma membrane

Jacqueline Loeper, Veronique Descatoire, Michelle Maurice, Philippe Beaune, Gerard Feldmann, Dominique Larrey, Dominique Pessayre – 1 May 1990 – Antibodies against cytochrome P‐450 are found in some children with autoimmune hepatitis (antiliver/kidney microsome) and in patients with ticrynafen hepatitis (antiliver/kidney microsome2). For an immune reaction against cytochrome P‐450 to possibly destroy the hepatocytes, one must assume that cytochrome P‐450 is present on the plasma membrane surface of hepatocytes.

The relative affinity of recombinant dihydrolipoamide transacetylase for autoantibodies in primary biliary cirrhosis

Craig A. Robertson, Ross L. Coppel, Thomas Prindiville, David Fregeau, Marshall Kaplan, E. Rolland Dickson, M. Eric Gershwin – 1 May 1990 – In normal individuals there is an adaptive immune response to a foreign antigen in which antibodies of increasing affinity are produced with time. This is not always true of an autoimmune response. However, because only a limited number of autoantigens have been cloned or purified, this issue has not been studied well.

Long‐term results of resection for large hepatocellular carcinoma: A multivariate analysis of clinicopathological features

Edward Cheuck‐Seen Lai, Irene Oi‐Lin Ng, Mathew Ma‐Tai Ng, Anna Shuk‐Fong Lok, Po‐Chor Tam, Sheung‐Tat Fan, Tat‐Kuen Cho, John Wong – 1 May 1990 – Recurrent or metastatic disease is frequently en‐countered among patients who have had resection of their primary hepatocellular carcinoma. A retro‐spective study on 117 patients (104 men, 13 women; mean age ± standard deviation: 53.8 ± 12.4 yr) who had hepatectomy for large hepatocellular carcinoma (diameter ≧ 5 cm) was conducted to identify an at‐risk population for tumor recurrence.

Hepatic ferritin uptake and hepatic iron

Paaul C. Adams, Luan A. Chau – 1 May 1990 – The effect of hepatic iron on the uptake of ferritin was studied by perfusing livers from normal, iron deficient and iron‐loaded rats with 125I‐labeled ferritin. Unlabeled ferritin with tracer doses of labeled ferritin in concentrations of 0.02 to 2,700 nmol/L were studied. Rats were made iron deficient by feeding an established iron‐deficient diet for 3 wk. Rats were iron loaded by injection of iron dextran (50 mg/wk) for 3 wk.

Ascitic fluid acidosis in bacterial peritonitis: A poor prognostic sign?

Norman Gitlin – 1 May 1990 – The aim of this retrospective study was to define prognostic factors for cure and survival after spontaneous bacterial peritonitis. In a 4‐year period from 1982 to 1986, spontaneous bacterial peritonitis wasdiagnosed in 38 consecutive hospitalized cirrhotic patients (positive ascites culture and polymorphonuclear cell concentrations greater than 250 cells per mm3). Twenty‐five patients recovered from their infection (69 p. 100) in a mean time of 9 ± 7 days. The cumulative survival was 68 p. 100 at one week, 50 p. 100 at one month, and 25 p. 100 at one year.

α‐fetoprotein in the woodchuck model of hepadnavirus infection and disease: Immunochemical analysis of woodchuck α‐fetoprotein and measurement in serum by quantitative monoclonal radioimmunoassay

Paul J. Cote, Christoph Pohl, Juanell Boyd, Bud C. Tennant, John L. Gerin – 1 May 1990 – Woodchuck hepatitis virus infection of the eastern woodchuck represents a useful model for the study of hepatitis B virus infection and disease in humans, including hepatocellular carcinoma. In man, hepatocellular carcinoma is frequently detected and monitored using assays for serum alpha‐fetoprotein.

Sjögren's syndrome in patients with primary biliary cirrhosis

Epaminondas V. Tsianos, Jay H. Hoofnagle, Philip C. Fox, Margaret Alspaugh, E. Anthony Jones, Daniel F. Schafer, Haralampos M. Moutsopoulos – 1 May 1990 – Symptomatology and objective findings of Sjögren's syndrome were evaluated in 38 consecutive patients with primary biliary cirrhosis. Symptoms of Sjögren's syndrome were present in 18 (47.4%) patients, but were severe enough to warrant therapy in only four (10.5%).

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